great weather, lots of family dropping by and some staying over. Impromptu food arrangements turned out great. A couple of months ago we converted the side yard into a campground setting with a fire pit, picnic table, and screen tent, etc. Screaming kids, lots of laughs. One grandson brought his new girlfriend to meet the fam and she was love bombed. I have held so many grandbabies my shoulder was sore this morning. I've flown the flags since Friday and it is a pretty sight.
Golly, what a wonderful unplanned weekend...
by Glander 8 Replies latest social entertainment
....I, too, had a similar weekend! I am renewed down deep inside. Sounds like you are, too, Gregor.
Happy for you too, JO!
Sounds very nice.
Ours was rain, rain and more rain, from Tropical Storm Lee. Nap weather, all weekend long.
Now, it's chilly and windy, which is actually a welcomed relief after four long, hot months.
We received almost ten inches of rain and the tornado sirens only went off once, last night at 2 AM.
I have been keeping up with that weather situation down there. Hope your home and property are safe.
After the nice weekend we had I do feel a little guilty knowing what some folks are dealing with. This winter when we have 2 feet of snow and you folks in the south are having 75 degrees and sunshine the pendulum will swing!
nancy drew
Mine was also unplanned someone stole the license plates off our car friday night and you can't do anything about it till tuesday so we had to stick close to home because driving around w/o plates could be a problem even with a police report.
Sorry, Nancy. Was the DMV their usual sweet self?
hmmm, no she still in line at the DMV office?
nancy drew
We got the plates taken care of and my husband installed some special screws to make it difficult for someone to try that again.