I've been lurking on here for weeks and thinking...
After seeing all the recent noose-tightening in WT rhetoric, it does appear that they are shooting themselves in the foot. With the miserably low retention rate, burdened and uhnappy elders and the zombified elderly paralyzed in cognitive dissonance, it is inevitable that the numbers are going to dwindle sharply--and soon. I predict that by 2014, there will be major doctrinal changes that make "overlap" look like a walk in the park. Will they have to start referring to "Christ's Millenial Reign" as "Christ's 900-year Reign?" Probably not. IF they stick with 1914, they'll just say the New System will less than 1000 years before Satan is released again in the final test. However, I believe it will be necessary, as they see their numbers drop, that they will have to dump 1914 altogether and maybe just refer to is as "a significant period marking the last days." That will cause membership to fall as well. Whatever happens, they will HAVE to change something major to keep the doctrine alive. In doing so, many will leave. So, I have a theroy...
With a massive walk-out, there will be major financial losses as contributions dwindle. Hence the sellout of the Brooklyn properties. But recently, there was an article (posted here a few weeks ago) discussing ways to contribute. Well, do the math. We have an even STRICTER elders' manual. We have been inundated with articles about apostacy and dealing with DF'ed people. The articles seem less and less biblical and more and more propaganda encouraging loyalty to "the organization." By drumming up a frenzy of anti-apostate, anti-nonwitness, anti-DF, anti-faded mentality, I can see how easily the WBTS will encourage those remaining, loyal, long-term dubbies to make donations through estates. That's right. It's kind of implied now, and many dubs do this on their own (dangle inheritence as incentive for relatives to stay inside). But mark my words. Soon, they will specifically call on all R&F to NOT LEAVE ANY PART OF THEIR ESTATES TO DISFELLOWSHIPPED RELATIVES. This scare tactic will work. They've already begun demonizing us. The tired old loyalists are dying off and they know it. What better way to buy time, absorb the massive decline in membership and accumulate enormous tax-free wealth than to specifically punish members who leave their DF/Ex/apostate relatives any inheritance. Don't think it can happen??? Look at the strongarm tactic of threatening elders and MSs who attend or allow their kids to attend college with the fear of being deleted. It CAN happen. And I believe it will.