FRANK W TOWER- I'm sure it was one of the worst WT studies ever. I haven't attended in almost 8 years , but myself and others started threads on this board about this July 15th issue and it's completely wack and crazy.
I mean the WT society infers in paragraph 7 that " clearly, apostates do NOT have our best interests at heart . " How does the WT society know that ? Most apostates I know DO have the best interests of JW's at heart ! They want them to know the REAL truth about the alleged " truth ". And then the comment that " apostates are "mentally diseased " and they seek to infect others with their disloyal teachings . " ???? Most of us who stop attending meetings don't want followers after ourselves , we just want to be left alone from intruding JW's.
And then the kicker- to discourage ANY JW's from doing any research to prove their points against the so-called " apostates " - the WT says in paragraph 10 , " Such stories only " furnish questions for research " - that is, raise frivolous questions that lead to POINTLESS RESEARCH. "
How does the WT society know that researching apostates ideas is " pointless research " ?? If it's so pointless , then no harm could come to Witnesses that check the Internet to see if their claims are true ! Or is the WT society HIDING something ?? Ah ! I think THAT is closer to the truth.
WT society is running scared and doesn't want rank & file Witnesses finding out incriminating information about the WT society. They are losing members and this is a tactic they are using to try preventing more loss of numbers