An Australian friend "in high places" told me that their branch overseer or whatever he is called now,
has been sent to Poland.
Because of the timing I just wondered if this is connected to the Victorian court case.
by yesidid 9 Replies latest jw friends
An Australian friend "in high places" told me that their branch overseer or whatever he is called now,
has been sent to Poland.
Because of the timing I just wondered if this is connected to the Victorian court case.
Intriguing! Seems suspicious a bit.
The branch overseer hasn't been named as a defendant . . . so he can run and hide if he wants . . . but it won't make a blind bit of difference to the case.
Sounds like a possibility!
Not sure if going to Poland is exactly a good career move, lol.
It will certainly be a culture shock!
Not sure if going to Poland is exactly a good career move, lol. It will certainly be a culture shock!
Particularly if you are well over 80!
Depending on how things turn out in Victoria, Poland might well turn out to be a more desirable destination.
Viv Mouritz is about 75 years old, but very on the ball. He is European and still has a strong European accent, so Poland will suit him fine. I heard that the reason they moved him is that Australians are somewhat predjudiced over managers his age. The new Branch Co-ordinator is Terry O'Brien.
The organization makes itself look suspicious by not complying with this law. Why won't it? One reason would be if the W was trying to protect someone who couldn't pass the background check. If it is eventually forced to comply, then how would the Society protect those people? By moving them out of Australia seems a reasonable answer.
It will be interesting to see if others up and move to another branch. When there is no chance of embarrassment, then the Society will comply...and probably act as if it was the first organization to do so.