How much the organisation loves to quote from the letters to Timothy! However, how often do you see the following scripture being used to encourage ones to provide for a disfellowshipped family member?
Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith. ( 1 Timothy 5:8)
The context is talking about older widows, but the scripture makes it plain that it refers to all 'who are his own'! I have seen it many times when a disfellowshipped brother or sister is kicked out of their home and are forced to live a life away from the loving support of their parents. Not only is physical support taken away, but often emotional support is also deprived. Arguably, I believe this is even worse. Depriving a family member of love and emotional support, especially in times of trauma, because the organisation tells them to shun them, is NOT providing for the needs of ones family and can lead to sad consequences or at least bitterness. Note that those 'who are his own' do not nescessarily need to be within his household. Does this scripture enforce the harsh unloving shunning policy? Absolutely not! In fact, it says that anyone who 'does not provide' for the needs of his family is 'worse than a person without faith'. Food for thought!
Of course, the average JW wont even consider this scripture properly to their own peril. Shame on those who actively encourage this kind of behaviour! It does not constitute Christianity and im sure that God disapproves.
Timmy xxx