Those were the prophetic (or should that be pathetic) words that were written on a whiteboard in an address by the latest cult sensation to his devoted gathered followers in Australia, as shown in a current affairs programme on TV last night. I realise a thread has already been started on this subject, but I just couldn't resist the topic heading.
Seems he has good grounding in his latest incarnation, as he was identified as a former jw. Apparently he was given the arse for dealings with prostitutes. Wait on, didn't the original jesus associate with prostitutes? - I guess he just wasn't screwing them as his latest namesake seems to have done. This prick gives ex-jws a bad name.
The new jesus is still learning his trade and has many observers very concerned with his activities.
Deal with it he says. Hopefully some upset spouse of one of his followers will take him behind the woodpile and deal with him.
Cheeses. Not to be confused with imitators.