is it my imagination /lord of the rings

by lurk 6 Replies latest social entertainment

  • lurk

    just read lord of the rings it was a great book..but bit reminded me of the i bible obbsessed?
    does anyone else see the comparrison?

  • joelbear


    The Hobbits are like the Jews except they already live in their promised land.

    The orcs are the Canaanites.

    The wizards are the Levite tribe.

    The elves are angels

    Sauron is Satan

    The ringwraiths are demons (half elven kings gone bad)

    The ring is materialism.

    Tom Bombadeer is Melchizadek.

    Gollum is Judus Iscariot

  • Skimmer

    J. R. R. Tolkien was a devout Catholic and a member of the Inklings litery discussion group that included C. S. Lewis. There has been a lot written about the religious theme in his mythology, and many have compared the character Gandalf to Jesus. In some of his notes published after Tolkien's death, there is speculation that Gandalf is really the incarnation of the demigod Manwe, the foremost son of Illuvatar (also known in LOTR as "The One" and "God"). See Tolkien's _Silmarillian_ for more details.

  • lurk

    yikes!! and i though i was imagining it .
    this is new to me ...think ill get the Silmarillian, just bought the hobbit. its an addictive story.

    ....and many have compared the character Gandalf to Jesus. In some of his notes published
    after Tolkien's death, there is speculation that Gandalf is really the incarnation of the demigod Manwe, the foremost son of Illuvatar (also known in LOTR as "The One" and "God").
    both ideas work really as for a catholic as they belive that god and jesus are the same a sort of incarnation of the other
    i dont see how tom bombadil gets to be malkizerdek.

    who did sauraman represent?........the anti christ? mmmmm
    thanks for your replies

    was lord of the rings the last of all books in the middle earth. or is there a 4th age lurking somewhere?

  • JanH

    It's hard to imagine a story where you will not find such basic similarities. Tolkien built heavily on mythological themes, and of course xtianity has some of the same themes as other religions.

    An epic drama that does not have an arch-villain, an unlikely hero and a superhero isn't exactly unique.

    Sure, Sauron is sorta Satan, but Aragorn, Frodo and Gandalf all do some of what Jesus does in xtian mythology.

    I'd find more similarities with the Mahabbaratha or the Gilgamesh epic than with the Bible.

    - Jan
    - "How do you write women so well?" - "I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability." (Jack Nicholson in "As Good as it Gets")

  • slipnslidemaster

    Now I haven't read some of the History of Middle Earth books, but I'm fairly sure that Gandalf has always been identified as Olórin one of Manwë's order and selected to be one of the Istari sent to Middle Earth during the 3rd age and not Manwë himself.

    Manwë picked him as the greatest of the Istari. Curumo (Saruman) consealed his jealousy however, this was the start of his ultimate downfall.

    Slipnslidemaster:"Baywatch has enriched and, in many cases, helped save lives. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to continue with a project which has has such a significance for so many."
    - David Hasselhoff

  • lurk

    the epic of gilgamesh is just like the flood story, slight diffferances but the relationship is obvious

    Manwë picked him as the greatest of the Istari. Curumo (Saruman) consealed his
    jealousy however, this was the start of his ultimate downfall.
    sounds like jesus

    i havemnt read that much just the book LOTR .

    why are the baddies always so much more interesting

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