Watchtower — Modeled after what?

by Marvin Shilmer 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Watchtower — Modeled after what?

    Today I uploaded a new article to my blog comparing the model Watchtower says its followed with the reality of Watchtower’s historical Governing Body. It turns out the model was not much of a model.

    My article is titled Watchtower — Modeled after what? and is available at:

    Marvin Shilmer

  • ScenicViewer

    According to Franz' testimony, decision making in those days (1950s) came down to the Vice-President, then the President, Franz and Knorr, so what they called a governing body then, the board of directors, really had little to do with governing Jehovah's Witnesses.

    However in the 1970s it changed, so that the Pres and VP had no more control than any other GB that not true? It's much more of a true governing body now, although I'm not sure how well it parallels the Apostolic council in the first century, certainly there isn't unaminous agreement today.

    As a side point, I've wondered, if Knorr and Franz had the control, and they were both against the institution of today's governing body, how did the GB ever come to be?

  • Farkel

    : As a side point, I've wondered, if Knorr and Franz had the control, and they were both against the institution of today's governing body, how did the GB ever come to be?

    Raymond Franz answered that question in Crisis of Conscience. If you dare to be so lazy as to ask someone to answer the question for you in here, you just might face the lash!


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    ScenicViewer writes:

    “It's much more of a true governing body now…”

    I’d have to say it more of a black-ops Board of Directors now.

    Watchtower’s governing body bears little resemblance to the special council depicted in the biblical account of Acts Chapter 15. That body’s decision was, according to the biblical text, totally a result of direct supernatural influence via holy spirit. Watchtower’s governing body expresses that its decisions are not the result of direct supernatural inspiration via holy spirit.

    Watchtower’s governing body is dominated by human opinion and internal political intrigue.

    Marvin Shilmer, who says howdy to Farkel!

  • sizemik

    The GB passes decisions on a 2/3 majority vote . . . whether they're all present or not. (C of C).

    So if less than 2/3 show up . . . they can't pass anything . . . but wind. Idiots.

  • ScenicViewer

    Re: How the GB came to be over Knorr and Franz' objections,

    Farkel said, " Raymond Franz answered that question in Crisis of Conscience. If you dare to be so lazy as to ask someone to answer the question for you in here, you just might face the lash!"

    You mean I have to read a whole book just to find that out?

    Would be a lot faster if someone just mentioned it.



    You can lash me.

    Actually I did not know the answer was in that book. I have not read it.

    Now it's on my 'to do' list.

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