Hi Paula!
Thanks for your message. I haven't read Steve Hassan's book, and I'm not yet aware of a way to read it for free. I intend to buy it at some point (given the endorsements on here), but it's not a massive priority for me at this stage.
You can easily read Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz on www.scribd.com
Simply type in "crisis of conscience" on the website's search window, and it will flash up. The latest edition is the one marked 2004. You can read it for free, but if you want to download it to your computer you need to make a small $5 donation. However, $5 is nothing for such an excellent book, and for that donation you get unlimited downloads for 24 hours.
Obviously it's better to buy the hard copy, because then some of the proceeds will find their way to Ray's widow Cynthia. Barbara Anderson recently informed me that Cynthia has moved to New Jersey to be closer to her sister and brother-in-law. She will be living in an assisted living apartment complex. I am led to believe that she is not computer literate, and finds it hard to concentrate these days.
I have recently acquired a PDF copy of "In Search of Christian Freedom" from cantleave. Let me know if you want me to pass it on to you.
I hope the above information is useful!