At the wedding at Cana, they come to Mary to say they have no more wine. Why Mary? She goes to Jesus, and he says "It's not yet my time" what the heck does that mean?
Then he creates enough wine to drown a stable of horses. Is this because the wedding party was great? Is Mary the hostess? Is the wedding that of Jesus himself?
When Jesus goes to raise Lazarus, Mary (Magdalene) is inside 'sitting shiva'. Jesus calls her out and she comes. Only a husband can call a wife out of shiva. And why is Mary sitting shiva? Is she poor? Doubtful if she is to be considered the woman who annoints Jesus with expensive oil. So Mary is likely related to Lazarus.
Jesus is called 'rabbi'. Rabbis had to be married.
When Jesus tells the disciple he loved to take care of his mother Mary, why did he pick this one.
Consider that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and she was the sister of Lazarus. Then the marriage at Cana in which the servants come to Mary (his mother) makes sense, since she would be the hostess. Jesus could then be called rabbi. Mary Madalene would be sitting shiva for her brother. Who wouldn't "have died if you have been here", since he would have saved his brother-in-law presumably. Martha, Mary's sister comes to get him, her brother-in-law. He calls his wife out of shiva. He raises his brother-in-law from the dead. He entrusts his mother to his brother-in-law.
It all fits together, as a family story.