No body or group in the hebrew sriptures ( O/T ) ever identified themselves as a Jehovah`s Witness
No body or group in the Christian Greek sriptures ( N T ) ever identified themselves as a Jehovah`s Witness
In fact the word" Jehovah" never appeared before the 12th century
It was a name invented by a Roman Catholic clergyman
A tradition that has lasted the test of time by both Catholic and Protestant`s to this day
And Jehovah`s Witnesses blindly follow this tradition to this day,at the same time condeming christendom
C.T Russell never claimed to be a Jehovah`s Witness
Nor did any of his followers
They beleived that the Christian Greek scriptures showed that Jesus Christ was the cheif witness,that every knee would bow in heaven on earth and under the earth to bear witness that jesus was the son of God and all should worship him php.2:10 compare Rom.11:4 Dan chapt. 3