You might not like this guy, I know he has been on this site before. However he seems to have cleaned up his act somewhat. He makes some excellent points in his video. We could engage in character assassination like so many here seem to love to do or we could simply comment on the context of the video. This will determine wheter this htread becomes a good discussion or derails like so many others.
Man of Lawlessness, the Parousia and other things.
by Awen 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I can't say that I agree with him. I don't think the WT has the truth, for one. So then the connection between them and the 'man of lawlessness' (as he describes him as being hidden within the truth (the Body of Christ), like Judas was) is not there.
I don't know, personally, who the man of lawlessness is. But I think the WT is just one of many who will/have come to say "look, there he is... or here He is". I don't think the WT has the importance that this man places upon him.
I would like to ask a question, though, if anyone can answer.
Where does the bible say that there will be a renewing of the 'truth', before the apostasy or man of lawlessness is revealed? I've heard that from a few different groups now, but I don't know where its coming from. Could you (or someone) point me to that, please, thanks!
Peace to you Awen,
Off hand I don't know the answer to your question Tammy.
I just said he made some excellent points. Not all of them are. He's not pro-JW by any means.
I did like the point about the man of lawlessness being 'within', like Judas was within. I don't know if it's true or not, but it is interesting to consider, and I hadn't thought of that before.