Necessary Business (NB) Guidelines:
Warning a DF or DA of a fire in a bldg, is not NB
Providing a ride for the DF, or DA when it assists them in their duress, is not NB
Providing shelter to the DF, or DA relative is only temporary, and under extreme circumstances. This will be reviewed on a quarterly basis. Be ready to surrender your Elders Manual
Talking to a DF, or DA relative about their sickness, financial hardship, house burned down, mascara run down their cheeks, winter coat that is ripped, house burglarized, victim of living in a violent crime area is not NB.
Offering shelter or financial assistance to a pregnant DF, or DA relative is not NB.
Smilling to a DF, or DA relative is not NB.
Eating in a restaurant where you notice a relative that is DF, or DA would require you to leave the establishment quickly. You must not let anyone see you remotely close to give the impression that you were in close proximity. That is spiritual association, and having a meal with them
Babysitting a child of the DF or DA is permitted, if you can obtain the child with uttering very few words to the Df parent. If any conversation takes place there will be consequences.
Providing assistance to the DR, or DA relative is only encouraging that one to sin. Love that covers over a multitude of sins, hopes all things, endures all things, doesn't apply here.
The Df or the DA should thank their lucky stars that they were not stoned to death . That is where love is being applied. But this love is temporary since the DF, and DA will die at Armageddon.
Having no spiritual fellowship means all of the above.
Stay tuned to a future Watchtower article where we will reveal what NB soon as we figure this one out.