The scandal in Australia is about the society of Jehovah's Witnesses refusing to file with the government of Australia information that would identify persons who have been suspected of child molestation. It has gone to court.
But in the past the Watchtower has instructed their people to obey the law of the land as it pertains to interracial marriage.
"In a few places, there are even laws making interracial marriages illegal. When that is the case, Christians are under Scriptural obligation to obey them, as such laws do not make it impossible for them to worship God with “spirit and truth.” (John 4:24; Rom. 13:1) Of course, if a Christian would prefer to move to a locality where such laws are not enforced, he is certainly free to do so."
Prevent interracial marriage, but ignore the danger to children??? Is this what they call NEW LIGHT?