Hi everyone... I've been lurking here for a few months. I'm currently in the middle of a fade and have found the experiences here very helpful.... Maybe I'll give my personal story sometime. But I thought I would share some of the latest drama with the fam.
Quick Background.... my wife's nephew has been diffed 2x, this last time he has been out at least 3yrs. He's only 20 and he was kicked out of the house after the second time, no job or hs diploma. Presumably so Dad could continue as an elder and mom a pioneer, wouldn't want to try and save our son if it could jeopardize our 'privleges'....
So my wife's sister calls to tell us her son has now managed to get a 40 something yr old prego, one with kids the nephews same age, 20. But then she proceeded to tell how she had been in contact with the MILF and had made arrangements to watch the new baby and help out. My wife asked, what about when your son is watching the baby... Oh NO we can't go help him, he's diffed, we can't have any contact. But if this random MILF needs help, yes we will be there and help with the baby any way we can... yes we are actually excited, she is SHOWING AN INTEREST IN THE TROOF, a possible study... WTF I'm just shaking my head and all I can say it's that so F'd up. The Dad is such a douche, he's more concerned about not being able to an elder than helping his son. There's so much more to this story, they have literally thrown thier son under the bus and ran over him back and forth countless time, this just the latest eg.