I truly believe many JWs suffer from what is described below. The GB is constantly emphasizing "serving others" and "never rocking the boat" or "take the discipline even if it was not your fault" or "be a peacemaker no matter what even if your feelings are trampled on."
When I was a JW I never let anyone -especially any congregation elder- to walk over me - never. More than once I had to tell elders -mostly those who were from Bethel- that I was not a Bethalite that they can just give orders to and expect that I jump and obey. One time a Bethel elder left the rudest voicemail on my home phone about a supposed misunderstanding about organizing security at a Kingdom Hall building site. He just kept complaining how I "never called anyone nor coordinated things" - which was not the case since I did organize a security detail for the night and I was one of the people who stayed from midnight to 3:00 AM! I sent an email to the entire elder body and reported how rude the bethel elder was on the phone.
I just see that the JW Watchtower culture tries to make people feel small and insignificant. How they are just "insignificant pieces of dust" "sinners that don't deserve mercy" or "just follow orders and even if it turns out bad for you and your family at least you obeyed." If only more JWs would decide to stop being invisible and stand up for themselves.
Are You Invisible -- to Yourself?
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/margaret-paul-phd/standing-up-for-yourself_b_980081.html?view=print&comm_ref=false Posted: 9/27/11 08:44 AM ET Read more Emotional Intelligence , Healthy Living Health News , Healthy Living Mind , Making Yourself Seen , Making Yourself Visible , Standing Up For Yourself , Healthy Living News
Do you sometimes feel invisible to others regarding your feelings and needs?
Ellen was brought up to be invisible. She was taught to be very tuned into others feelings and needs, but to never have any of her own. Her family made it clear that her job was to give to them, but to never expect anything in return. As a result, Ellen learned to be totally tuned out to her own feelings and needs. It was as if she, as a person, didn't really exist other than to be there for others.
When Ellen's feelings and needs did surface, she would tell herself that they weren't important; that she was strong and could handle not having her feelings cared for and/or her needs recognized. She convinced herself that if she just cared enough about others, others would eventually care about her. It never happened.
The inner stress of never attending to her own feelings and needs, and always feeling so invisible to others is a hard thing to deal with. Unfortunately, Ellen is now also dealing with cancer and finally has to attend to herself.
Many of us have learned to be invisible -- to ourselves and to others. What are some of the ways you create invisibility?
- Do you remain silent, not speaking up for yourself, when feeling discounted or unseen by others?
- Do you ignore your own feelings and needs in deference to others?
- Do you go along with what others want, even if you really want something else?
- Do you accept blame for things that you know are not really your responsibility?
- Do you put aside your own opinions and accept the opinions of others to be accepted?
- Do you accept disrespectful behavior from others, finding ways to excuse the behavior?
- Do you pretend everything is okay when you are really feeling lonely or sad?
- Are you conflict-avoidant, preferring peace at any cost rather than rock the boat?
- Are you carrying too much of the load at home or at work, without complaint?
- Do you pretend to like a food, a movie, a topic of conversation or sex, rather than run the risk of disapproval or rejection?
- Do you allow yourself to be violated in any way -- physically, emotionally, verbally, sexually -- to avoid rejection?
- Do you allow others anger or bullying to control you into doing what they want?
- Do you do everything yourself, never asking others for help?
- Do you care-take others feelings, telling yourself you are responsible for their feelings, while ignoring responsibility for your own feelings?
How often do you end up feeling unappreciated , unseen and not valued? How much of this is a reflection of how you treat yourself?
If your own feelings and needs are invisible to yourself, they may end up being invisible to others. It's unrealistic to constantly put yourself aside, and then expect others to value and respect you. Anytime you tolerate uncaring or disrespectful behavior in others to avoid conflict, you are training others to see you as invisible, and to not care about your feelings and needs.
If you have been allowing yourself to be invisible for a long time, it can be a big challenge to start to care about yourself. You need to be willing to go through a difficult period of feeling others anger and resentment toward you. After all, you trained them for years to not have to care about you or see you, and now you are changing the rules. They won't like it, but they will eventually respect you for it. You will also discover in the process of caring about yourself, who really cares about you and who has just been using you. Those people who really care about you will eventually applaud your self-care, while those who were just using you will go away, or be angry with you for changing.
It takes great courage to shift from invisibility to being seen and valued. It takes great courage to be willing to lose others rather than continue to lose yourself. Yet, your own life depends upon it. Hopefully, you will not wait until you are ill or feel alone and cast aside by others, to start to practice loving self-care .
This means being willing to take personal responsibility for your own feelings and needs, rather than taking care of everyone else in the hopes they will eventually take care of you. You can start today by practicing tuning into your own feelings and needs -- acknowledge and value them, and take loving action. If you are ever going to feel cared for and loved, it has to start with you caring about and being loving to yourself.
This Blogger's Books from
Healing Your Aloneness: Finding Love and Wholeness Through Your Inner Childby Margaret Paul, Erika J. Chopich
Do I Have To Give Up ME to be Loved by GOD?by Margaret Paul, Neale Donald Walsch
Follow Margaret Paul, Ph.D. on Twitter: www.twitter.com/innerbonding