Where will you be in 10 years?
Will you be retired, broke and sick, worried about paying your
trailer rent? Will you still be an elder, watching the organization
rot away, piece by piece? Will you look back over the past ten
years with sadness, realizing that you wasted countless hours
in an imaginary ministry and attending boring meetings?
Or could your future be filled with exciting wonders and miracles,
created by modern technology?
The choice is yours
The day after the Sept.11 tragedy, a unique manifesto was published
- and got lost in all the terrorist hysteria. Some of the best
and brightest in biochemistry published "Critiquing the Immutability
of Human Aging". It predicted that, "indefinite postponement of
aging... may be in sight." How far in the future? The introduction
refers to "within about a decade."
(on the lef.org forum , misc. topics, second page)
And that's just scratching the surface - amazing results are spilling
out of laboratories using stem cells WHICH HOLD THE PROMISE TO
REPAIR ANY PART OF THE BODY! Congressmen were shown a video tape
in which lab rats with severed spinal cords regained a large
measure of function using stem cells to regrow the nerves.
And how about regrowing failing hearts? - see Life Extension
magazine, March 02 page 81.
And then there's cloning ...
Think this is science fiction? Texas A&M announced today the first
cloning of a cat! Money is pouring into biotech to clone human
organs of every kind - now that growing animal organs is showing
And other news - the Today show (NBC) demonstrated a robot
built by Honda (called ASIMO) that can walk and climb stairs
on two legs like any human. Its movements were graceful and so
natural as to make observers think it had a person inside of it.
These developments are exploding on the world scene.
Men who control life become godlike
And have less need of God.
About a year ago, I told a brother that human cloning would
begin soon. He said "Jehovah will never permit that!"
Sorry, dude, they've already done it with embryos.
This stuff is not far off, in some distant future.
Its starting to happen right now.
(like they say in the stock market, 'don't fight the trend')
All these wonders will cost money
Now is the time to work, save, and invest
so that you can take advantage of them when they appear.
You can prepare now
or you can waste the precious currency of your life
investing in empty Watchtower promises ("you will never grow old"
Awake -May 22'69). You can foolishly trust an organization that
preaches about a Devil controlled world and "puny humans" -
and then quietly takes every advantage of the benefits of modern
government, the United Nations and man made technology.
The choice is yours
Don't be a fool
Where will you be in 10 years?