Hi All. At church today I found this book in the library. Its title ' So What's the Difference? ' by Fritz Ridenour. Its a biblical comparision of christianity with major religions and cults. This book was published about 1966. Anyway, in the 'CULT' section of the book the author talks about the history of JW's. He created this chart in which it shows JW's system of salvation. Under JW's set dates for prophesied events it shows 1914, 1975, and 2075? Next to this date it says: End of 7th 1000-year-day of man's existence. Early autumn, probable time of the close of the millennium, people judged and given eternal life on renewed earth or annihilation. Has anyone ever seen/heard of this date and explanation? Theres so much more of this book I'd like to share. Maybe another time, soon. peaceALL paulnotsaul
2075- JW Date For Prophesied Event
by paulnotsaul 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Never heard of it per se, but if the end had come in 1975, like they predicted, then Jesus' "1000 year reign" would have ended in ... (pauses to think a moment)... ummm 2975? I think the author of the book just misspoke, maybe?
Yea, that would make sense. Thats why I wanted to put it out there, to see if somebody seen/heard of this date. This book covered Taze, Judge, and Knorr. It hit alot of topics throughout the years. Mostly on Russell, the ' Miracle Wheat ' scandal. His divorce. And his run in with Baptist pastor Rev. J.J. Ross. wich resulted in Russells perjury, Twice! Lots more. peace paulnotsaul
*** w68 5/1 p. 272 Making Wise Use of the Remaining Time ***
1975 6000 End of 6th 1,000-year day of man’s existence (in early autumn)
2975 7000 End of 7th 1,000-year day of man’s existence (in early autumn)
THANKS blondie!!! The book must of typo'd the 0 instead of the 9. Anyway, if the ORG. published this date than that brings certainty to the 1975 date prophesying the Big A. Why else would they have a following date of a 1000 years if 1975 was not THE date? What a bunch of liars. The fact that books like this were availible means info was out there about this cult. Why weren't people researching this info before becoming a witness? I guess when there preaching the end the fear of loss was to great to resist. Old sales tatic. peaceALL paulnotsaul
Glad to see 2075 is the date God takes care of business. I will be 121 years old then. I hope I will be able to understand whats going on when it happens. I am sure if you write to the WT about this book they will be able to use it to set a new date for all the cult victims to live for. Stay alive until 2075. Totally ADD