I heard a speaker this last week give a talk that 267 thousand and change were baptized this last year. the year before, and I do not have the exact number, was about 295 thousand and change. I hope the trend continues.
2011 baptisms
by drawcad_1 4 Replies latest jw friends
in 2010 there were 294,368 baptized. I just looked it up.
And I hope the number of witlesses that leave, get disfellowshipped, or simply quit doing anything goes way up.
Great,, about a decrease of 9% from last year, but about the same reported on 2009 Service Report. I wonder about U.S. and first-world countries. Guess we will have to wait till January.
Knowing JW's they'll use it as a sign the end is near love of the greter number cooling off. They can twist anything in their favor.