Right, then. Someone I'm in contact with who works with a religion news website is interested in the conference, since I emailed them with a link to the australian newspaper article posted here. They are wondering what conference this is referring to.. I can't open pdf's on my phone, so I need your help! After an intensive internet search, these were the only documents I could find.. Can anyone tell me what they say etc. ? Thanks! http://associationsforumconference.net.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/National-Conference-Brochure.pdf http://associations.net.au/resources/2011nationalconferencepresentations/senatornickxenophon/
The only info I could find regarding xenophon and the 2011 conference..
by The Quiet One 7 Replies latest social current
I have written an email to Nick Xenophon yesterday. Apparantly there is a tax forum in Canberra this week, so I'm not sure what will be done about "mentally diseased apostates". Hope something comes out of this.
I'm not very good at letter writing but here is mine
Dear Senator Nick Xenophon
It has come to my attention that you have been bringing to light the questionable chartable status of religious organisations.
Jehovah's Witness benefit from their status as a charity while they do no charitable work other than proselytising. Almost all money is donated by members who often have to pay for their own kingdom halls which in turn becomes property of the organisation who already have millions in other property investments.
Jehovahs Witnesses are commanded to shun ex family members should they leave the organisation and this means that mothers refuse to talk to their own children, and grandparents are shut out from their grandchildren.
The Herald sun recently highlighted how Jehovah's Witnesses are poisoned against ex members
Please consider an inquiry into their financial practices and consult ex members for further information. I will be very much supportive of any action you take -
The Quiet One
It starts today. Catherine Hockley, The Australian, 27 September 2011 "THE Gillard Government is trying to quell any hope of tax cuts coming out of its taxation forum next week... Independent SA Senator Nick Xenophon warned "the talk needs to lead to action.." http://www.futuretax.gov.au/content/Content.aspx?doc=TaxForum.htm "Tax Forum The Government has put in place a series of major reforms to build a stronger, fairer and simpler tax system, and the upcoming Tax Forum will help us build on that strong record of tax reform. The forum will be held on Tuesday 4 October and Wednesday 5 October at Parliament House in Canberra. It will bring together around 150 representatives of the community, business, unions and government, as well as academics and other tax experts, to discuss priorities and directions for further tax reform. The forum will continue the conversation the Government started with the release of the Australia's Future Tax System Review (tax review) last year. It will focus on the broad sweep oftopics covered in the tax review, and will include six sessions: personal tax, transfer payments, business tax, state taxes, environmental and social taxes, and tax system governance." Here's a reference on sky news.. http://www.skynews.com.au/topstories/article.aspx?id=669004&vId=
Sorry, you're on the wrong track. That's a national tax summit. The conference in November is organised by CIFS.
The Quiet One
Sorry, I was going off what etna said.. I couldn't open the pdf's to see what they were..