And even if they were dis-fellowshipped it would be unlikely that parents of young children would
know what caused it, which is an awful shame.
According to the word of the Watchtower, it is Jehovah by The Holy Spirit that makes appointments.
But in reality parents are left in the dark about who they should practice caution around regarding their children.
Because if someone tending toward pedophilia is appointed as an elder, ministerial servant, or other posts
of priviledge, it means trust, where trust should not be, ever, for the children of the congregation to be safe.
Their sorry? So? Doesn't the offender have forever to make up for their sin? No? Or yes?
Some people go to jail, some JWs get appointed? That's JUSTICE????
Sorry, I'm NOT NANCY DREW N.drew like draw, OK? Love you too! Peace!