Watchtower Adam and the artists who portray him

by kurtbethel 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kurtbethel

    From the 1958 Paradise book, we have Adam chilling among his animal friends, evidently giving them names. The artist did something very interesting in placing a squirrel in that location, chewing on some nuts! Right in that spot, of all places. Those clever Watchtower artists!

  • exwhyzee

    Wouldn't it be kinda uncomfortable to be naked all the time? I mean, you would always have to watch out where you sat or kneeled down, you'd be covered with scratches and your feet would be like elephant hide and where would you put your car keys or loose change?

  • Heaven

    I think the squirrel located to the right of Adam's left hand is laughing at the fact that he has no genitals.

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