Lawrence Hughes needs 500 dollars by the end of next week

by zengalileo 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • zengalileo

    ... to continue his case.

    For those following it for the last almost 10 years, it is still going and now it looks like the WT is out of tricks and stunts. HE IS GOING TO WIN ON ALL COUNTS.

    he has won major decisions recently. The last trick the bastards at the Watchtower are trying is to prove he is financially incapable of sustaining the suit. And they are right. He doesn't have the money to continue.

    PLEASE don't let this one slip away. I know the details of the case. He is going to win and the WT is going to have s#!t on their faces when it is done.

    I can't think of a better reason for ex-JWs to get togather and accomplish something. Give today. Be an activist. Get involved.

    Personally I do not want to support the case if he doesn't have an awesome lawyer backing him up. That is going to be tens of thousands of dollars wihtout a doubt. So what? Let's do it. Let's just get together on this and kick Watchtower butt. isn't it time?

    Forget all that... DO IT FOR BETHANY...please.

  • talesin

    solicitation of funds is not permitted on JWN.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    This case has been going on for YEARS and now the whole case depends on whether he gets $500 by the end of the week?

  • ShirleyW

    And also BP this is not the first solicitation for money for the case, be it via the conference calls or on the board.

  • Scully

    Lawrence Hughes has been advised on how to set up a bona fide trust fund to cover his legal expenses. He has had offers for assistance to raise funds, provided he does the legwork for setting up the appropriate and legally acceptable trust funds, including having an independent board of directors to oversee revenue management, and provide receipts to donors.

    He has ignored this advice to his own financial peril, and instead has come here on numerous occasions, with his hat in his hand begging for hand-outs with emotionally triggering pleas. I understand his desire for vindication, and for some kind of legal recognition for the JW related circumstances involved in Bethany's loss, but ignoring the advice of people who want to see him succeed without having to stoop to the same level of guilt mongering that the WTS uses is unacceptable.

    Financial solicitation is not supported on JWN.

    This thread is locked.

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