looking forward to the end

by bigmac 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigmac

    there must be millions of witnesses fervently looking forward to the end--of "this system of things"--along with the mass slaughter of billions of innocent people

    i must be one of many thousands almost equally looking forward to the end--of the watchtower society---without any killings--i hope

    i wonder which will come first--if either?

  • sabastious
    i wonder which will come first--if either?

    From the looks of it they will be the first to go when Babylon the Great is destroyed.


  • ProdigalSon

    Sab is right. The Watchtower goes down in a massive heap right along with the banksters.

  • cedars

    As previously expressed many, many times - I think the end of the Watch Tower Society in its current form is inevitable. It isn't a case of "if" but "when", and if we can help it to happen sooner, then we should go for it.

    International growth is already slowing, and I have recently published a post demonstrating statistically how the spread of the internet may be a contributing factor to this slow-down.

    Also, the Society are getting "sloppy" by making increasingly inflammatory statements in their magazines, not to mention the legal battles on the child abuse front.

    Basically, watch this space!

  • thetrueone

    Most likely the latter, the jig is up on this organization as its established today. Their doctrines have run out their designated time allotment.

    The main WTS./JWS doctrinal expression was that the end would come within a human life time after 1914 and that time frame has exasperated itself

    out. This same doctrine was also a viable marketing tool to attract attention to its publications for this length of time.

    My guess is they will eventually drop this END TIME doctrine all together and push on the platform that they are true preachers of the word.

    Unfortunate for them there is the inter-net and a new age of information, where people can gather information about this organization of their own.

    There's also a possibility that they may change the name of the organization to something like Christian Witnesses with reformed doctrines surrounding

    the organization.

  • thetrueone

    There are many ways when you really think about how they could morph into a different religious organization.

    One way is to totally recreate themselves and dropping those old doctrines (old Light) with you doctrines and ( new light ).

    Since they have such a strong demand on their members in supporting their organization with dire consequences on people who want to leave.

    There would be many accepting of this reformation and faithfully remain, some would probably leave but there would be enough to support

    the newly arranged organization, I'm sure .

  • cedars

    There will always be a few hardcore fanatics wanting to keep the old traditions alive (heck, even Charles Taze Russell has managed to keep his followers), but it will never enjoy the worldwide scope that it enjoys now with millions of adherents.

  • wobble

    I am with Cedars, anything we can do to hasten the demise of the WT we should, 100%.

    I do not think that it will be that soon, their business scam may not produce as many $$$£££ etc as in the past, but cutting costs and unecessary operations will enable them to keep their actual profit margin much the same, turnover may fall a bit, but the margin is high enough on enough dollars to keep them going.

    There will come a tipping point though, by then they will have little room for maneuver, re-inveting themselves will not bring in the dollars quick enough.

    If we can hasten their arrival at the tipping point, then GOOD!

    Any bad press we can get them will make even the staunch rank and file less likely to contribute as much as they have in the past, especially as they find it harder to put bread on their own table.

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