And once again... I unknowingly befriended a JW!!

by Free!! 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Free!!

    This is like the third time it happens!!... So i am a corporate trainer and meet lots of new people every week... i always click w one or two of my students but for the last 2 classes I have clicked with two JWs!!! I did not know they where JWs and they have NO idea I am DA'd... but after i befriended them on FB I realized OHHH ISH!!! they ARE JWs....

    I am wondering... do I still give the JW vibe?? what the heck?? I truly like these people and they havent try to preach to me (eventually they will)... any ideas in how to break it to them... should i toy w them a little bit... please advise... thanks!

  • ambersun

    I suppose it really depends on how close your friendship is going to be with these JWs. At the moment they are just your students and have no right to know anything about your private life. All that concerns them right now is that you are qualified to teach them.

    If you start meeting them socially then I suppose you might feel obliged to tell them at some point, but I would be as casual as possible and just say it is part of your past life, that you respect their beliefs but would rather not talk about it if they didn't mind.

    I am still on friendly speaking terms with almost every JW I know even though I DA'd over 20 years ago, we just keep off the subject of religion lol. There will always be the odd few fanatical JWs who think you have sprouted invisible horns and there are demons dancing round you

    I would deffinately keep it to yourself for the time being until you have got to know them more as individuals so you will get a better idea of how they will react to knowing you are DA'd. Please don't worry too much about it.

  • ShadesofGrey

    I would be honest as to your current beliefs, ignoring the past, and just counterpoint any point they make should they try to preach.

    love, SOG

  • NewChapter

    LOL---Jehovah's angels are directing them to you! He's calling you back.

    Try to plant a few seeds!

  • DesirousOfChange

    I truly like these people and they havent try to preach to me (eventually they will)... any ideas in how to break it to them...

    I would keep the relationship on a professional level. Note, even professional acquaintences may have lunch, share a beer or two, play 9 holes, etc. I would be cautious that religion is never brought up unless they initiate the subject. That then invites you to ask some thought provoking questions about issues you have heard from others about JWs.......things which could get them thinking and which may require them to investigate in an effort to satisfy your questions. Generation changes.....UN involvement.....etc.

    If and when they learn that you are DA and (are perhaps upset that) you did not reveal such info to them, you can easily reply that YOU kept the relationship strictly professional and that it was THEIR choice to initiate the subject of religion into the conversation. You only responded to their invitation. Since you are NOT part of the JW denomination, YOU have no requirement to shun them nor to advise them of your DA status. Those are JW rules. You are not a JW. You have chosen to treat all persons impartially and fairly regardless of their personal religious choices of affiliation.

    Surely they will have already concluded that you are a very nice, genuine, and sincere person. So, why should you be shunned over your personal beliefs and thus doomed to destruction (and having your eyes eaten by the birds of heaven)?


  • scuba

    OMG!!! I am in the same boat! I am also a corprate trainer and always seem to draw the JWs to me!

    I observe and document their actions. I keep this data for my thesis.

    It is really fun. Its like looking into a time machine. I see all my former behaviors and realize how far I have come from being a JW.

    I will admit I do mess with them. I constaintly throw out little comments and watch their reaction and then log it into my log. I recently purchased some Silent Lambs mugs to drink my coffee out of. This always lets me know a head of time who is a JW and it is fun to watch the JWs in my office look at it while we chat in my office. I think they think it is going to spew demons out at them.

    I have gone out of town with a few JWs for work and I have yet to really dig into the real matters of JW deprograming. I don't know if I want to cross that line yet. It is not so much my fear of man but not wanting to hinge the relationship. I like finding out the latest gossip and goings. I do enjoy when they bring up the "truth" or religion in general. It is so funny listening to them and know the "perfect" responses to them to make it a personal experiance at the kingdom hall. I have a running tally of how many times I can get them to talk about me to their elders or in comments at the meeting. So far it's 22 elder conversation, 2 stage experanice (I bet they regerted that when I told them I was DFed) and 15 comments

    Good luck with yours. We should start keeping track and compare stories.

  • cantleave

    They never befriend me

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    You may slip into your lectures tidbits about how important higher education is and how backwards and ignorant it would be for anyone to disrecpect it.

  • exwhyzee

    I thought JW's , if they even have an account (most do) were supposed to be extra careful about who they friended on Facebook. I'm suprised they would friend a non Witness they just met. Maybe they are the "fringe" type who sorta' do what they want.

    As easy and tempting as it would be, I wouldn't mess with them in case it could backfire on you at work. (and because it just wouldn't be nice)

    It would be kinda fun to say "This company has been in business since 1975 which as you may have heard was evidently a time when certain groups were expecting the world to end. Thankfully that never happened and we now have 144,000 publishers...I mean employees and have branch offices 108 lands and islands of the sea. Please turn with me to page 607 in your instruction manual. Thats page 607....

  • Free!!

    @Ambersun... I plan to keep it professional, but they seem to be drawn to me, like they look for me and send me messages to say hi and stuff... I mean I don't even look like a JW anymore I have my nose pierced and I dont talk like a JW.... but is just funny... and weird... I'm going to let things take its course...

    @Shades of Grey... I just going to avoid discussing religion... keep it business...

    @NC: hahaha... I was waiting for someone to mention that!! lol

    @DOC: thanks!! I fully agree with your comment....

    @Scuba: hahha... I see you understand my situation.. I dont want to be too harsh because I love my job and dont want to make it uncomfortable for anyone....

    @cantleave... Lucky you!

    @Mad Sweeney... actually a pretty good idea...

    @exwhyzee... I thought the same thing but believe me they surprise me all the time... and these two do not seem to be too cold... I hink they are born ins... and trying to be friendly... may be wrong.... btw, i LOVED your idea... hahaha

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