I think this case it is not in very good shape for plaintiff, it is a person currently in prison suing WT. Does anyone have more information?
New abuse case against WT
by Viva la Vida 2 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Ale Rubio
More info:CALIFORNIA v. COSME PRESAS and COSME PRESAS v. WAYNE FRAZEE, OLIVIA MORENO, MARIN MORENO, ALICIA NAVARRO, WATCHTOWER SOCIETY ET AL are California state and federal criminal and civil court cases involving Cosme Presas, age 27, of Bakersfield, California, who claims to have been reared as a Jehovah's Witness, and further claims that he was regularly sexually molested by multiple fellow Jehovah's Witnesses in both Arvin, California, and Baja California, Mexico, when he was between the ages of 7 years-old and 11 years-old. Presas claims that he repeatedly reported the abuse to both his local Elders and the WatchTower Society, and that the only action taken was his being disfellowshipped -- apparently for "lying".Cosme Presas is currently incarcerated awaiting trial on charges of First Degree Murder. Presas was arrested in February 2011 and charged with intentionally running over with his vehicle Eleazar Godinez Torres, age 29, in January 2011. Presas allegedly thought that Torres and his brother had broken into his pickup truck and stolen his property. Although we are unable to locate the reasons for the delay in this criminal prosecution, we suspect that there may be "competency" issues.In November 2014, Cosme Presas filed a pro se federal civil lawsuit which named as Defendants the above named individuals, unnamed Does, and the WatchTower Society. We are uncertain as to the identity of all of the named defendants with the exception of Wayne Frazee, who is/was a 1965 graduate of the WATCHTOWER BIBLE SCHOOL OF GILEAD (Founded in 1942, the original name was"Watchtower Bible College of Gilead" in the WatchTower Cult's routine modus operandi of exaggeration. In 1947/48, the WatchTower Cult was forced to change "College" to "School" because "Gilead" did not meet the New York Department of Education's standards for use of the label, "College"), and he and his wife, Penny Frazee, served as WatchTower Missionaries in Japan and Okinawa during the 1970s. In any event, Cosme Presas is acting as his own attorney in this lawsuit, and in February 2015, his case was dismissed by the USDC, without prejudice, with leave to amend, due to failure to set forth a cognizable federal claim, and failure to establish complete diversity of citizenship between the parties. Regardless of the validity of Presas's allegations, this lawsuit has little chance of succeeding without the assistance of competent counsel.Regardless of the outcome of these two court cases, readers should bear in mind that this mid-20s individual was reared within the Jehovah's Witness community, and such bears some degree of responsibility for the current status of the life of Cosme Presas.***************************************************************More information about the plaintiff:Saludos. -
Wow. This happened in California in So-Cal area where I knew some people. Don't recognize the names but yeah if this guy didn't have a good attorney or counsel it's no wonder it got thrown out. Still it shows how pervasive and rampantly common JW child abuse happens. Disgusting. When I checked Megan's law out in the area I was raised in- I recognized 12 JW's or former JW's on that list that I had known and met in my younger years out of 1,000 registered sex offenders . Pretty sobering thought