The WT plays the blame game.

by MrFreeze 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MrFreeze

    I was thinking about this yesterday. When the WT claims that they are spirit-directed (not inspired mind you, whatever that means), and then they go and make a mistake, change doctrines and/or flip flop, where do they lay the blame? Do they say that THEY were the ones to make the mistake, or do they shift their blame elsewhere?

    Sometimes we see them shift the blame to their followers. 1975 is a prime example of that. More often than not though, they blame God himself! They are supposedly spirit-directed, that means if any doctrines they follow were wrong before, they are blaming that spirit for directing them in the wrong way! Is that not the same thing as blaspheming? When they say "Jehovah did not see fit to reveal present truths to us at that time" then that means they are calling God and his spirit a liar and deceiver. That my friends, is an incredibly ballsy claim.

  • MrMonroe

    Not quite. They blamed the 1975 debacle on the Witnesses themselves for believing it. It was all their fault for expecting it apparently.

  • Alfred

    I've also heard this from an elder... 1975 was a test from Jehovah to sort out the JWs who were serving him with a specific time frame in mind... I've also heard: it was Jehovah's way of doing "sprong cleaning"... WTF!!!

  • wobble

    I have heard them almost blame Jehovah/Holy Spirit for their errors and false predictions, they do it in the ususal WT way, they are not actually saying what they want the R&F to infer.

    For many years I asked the question of a number of Elders and others, "When we taught So and So, which is now seen as incorrect, what was the Holy Spirit doing , playing around with us ?" (Maybe not in those exact words, but similar)

    I very rarely got a straight answer, you could see the old cogs in their brain struggling with that one.

    It still amazes me that I could see all these problems, but I still stuck with the religion for so so long, fool that I was.

    I am awaiting the spin they will still have to dish out when 2014 comes and goes, they have laid some groundwork, overlapping doodahs and such, but I bet they say that any who cry "Enough!" at that point are lacking in faith and "weak".

  • DesirousOfChange

    I've also heard this from an elder... 1975 was a test from Jehovah to sort out the JWs who were serving him with a specific time frame in mind...

    So.........Jehovah lies through "His servants, the prophets" (74 WT) to determine who will continue to serve Him "in spirit and truth".

    Yes, that makes sense.


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