The Sting of Death Due to the JWS.

by itscrap&theyknowit! 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • itscrap&theyknowit!

    " I think if you fall for the belief of a resurection it may make one more able to accept the loss of someone close to them, but in the long run for many it increases the sting of death, because when a person is thinking they will never grow old in this system and they find themselves growing old it is a big disapointment, and it makes one more unwilling to accept the inevitable, the pain may be more acute than for someone who expects to die some day and has learned to live with the idea that life is not everlasing."

    This is a clip a that someone wrote back in 2005. It is so damn true. We're given this 'fairy-tale' as JDUBBS, that when we were in our teens, 20's, 30's, and now 40''s that we would NEVER experience sickness and old age. Well, here we are. Our parents who waited so 'loyally' have now experienced cancer and have now passed away at the young age of 66. My beautiful Dad was baptised in this CULT in 1978 when he was only 35. So, for 32 years of having children and slaving for this damned CULT...he is gone. Erased from existence.

    ....and we too shall follow....and it hurts like hell.

    WAKE UP & LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST! LEAVE THIS LIFE EXHAUSTED! Slap a Jehovah's Witness and tell them you love them! They need to wake the hell up!

  • lola-rabbit

    I AGREE! My mother was not going to enroll my brother in kindergarten in 1975 because the end was coming and we were all going to live in Paradise soon, there was no need for school... ends up my brother started school a few years late.

    I saw my parents waste their entire lives dedicated to the ORG, now they're at the end, I refuse to waste my years, or those of my children's.

  • itscrap&theyknowit!

    Hey, Lola-Rabbit! Exactimoniously!!!!!! I REFUSE!!! I'm 41 years old. I'm starting to have aches and pains that I didn't think I'd ever have! I'm just pissed!!! I've lost my beautiful Dad! All he ever wanted was to live and have a good time in life! I cry just thinking of the look on his face in those last few weeks of his life. He was PISSED!!! Up until the last day, his last breath, HE KNEW HE WOULD NOLONGER EXIST AND SEE HIS FAMILY. Hell!!! He didn't even die 'an old man'!!!!! I'm sure in his mind he was praying EVERDAY, " Jehovah, please let this system end and let's get into Paradise today!

    This religion, as well as all other promising CULTS, need to be prosecuted and disbanned!

  • Think About It
    Think About It


    Think About It

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I can relate.

    My father died at the age of 84, after being a JW for more than 50, almost 60 years.

    My grandmother, who became a JW in the 1920s, died at 92, always thinking she was going to "walk into the paradise".

    I was 5 in 1975. I remember being told I would probably not finish school, since Armageddon was that close. I'm 42 now.

    It does require a great mindshift to come to terms that there isn't going to be the paradise that we were promised, or that when we die, it may be forever (unless you believe in some other afterlife belief). Some can deal with it, some can't. It's a horrible legacy that organised religion bestows upon those who fall for its teachings.

  • itscrap&theyknowit!

    ......and here we go into 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WE ARE STILL HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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