Witnesses say they are not allowed to share convention notes, bible talks, videos etc etc. I am pretty sure they're literature says they can. Does anyone know of a watchtower magazine or other publication that says they are allowed to share such things? I would like to respond back from their own literature.
by average joe 7 Replies latest jw friends
April 2010 Kingdom Ministry Question Box.
Should Jehovah’s Witnesses circulate recordings or transcripts of talks?We are strengthened and encouraged by Bible discourses. (Acts 15:32) Therefore, it is natural to want to share such encouraging information with those who were not present. With the advent of various recording devices, a talk can be recorded and distributed to others at a moment’s notice.
Some have maintained a collection of recorded talks, including talks that were given many years ago, and with good motive they lend these talks or reproduce them for friends. Others have created websites and placed talks there for anyone to download.Understandably, there is no objection if we record talks for personal use or for members of our family. In addition, elders may arrange for talks to be recorded for infirm members of the congregation who are unable to attend the meetings. However, there are good reasons for us not to circulate transcripts or recordings of talks.
Because talks are often delivered with local needs in mind, we could easily misconstrue points from a circulated recording, since we would not be aware of the setting in which the talk was given. In addition, it would be difficult for us to verify who gave the talk and when, so that we can have confidence that the information presented is up to date and accurate. (Luke 1:1-4)
Further, circulating transcripts or recordings of talks might tempt some to give or accept undue attention and honour. —1 Cor. 3:5-7.
The faithful and discreet slave works hard to provide spiritual food in the right “measure” and at “the proper time.” (Luke 12:42) This includes the arrangement for talks to be given at local congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses and audio recordings that can be downloaded from the official jw.org website. We can be confident that the faithful and discreet slave and its Governing Body will provide what we need in order to be made firm in the faith. —Acts 16:4, 5. -
(Next to last par) Further, circulating transcripts or recordings of talks might tempt some to give or accept undue attention and honour.
(Last sentence) We can be confident that the faithful and discreet slave and its Governing Body will provide what we need in order to be made firm in the faith.
That kind of talk had gotten to be a little nauseating for the last 20 years I was in, and is down right sickening now.
If they were speaking the truth. If they were truly spirit directed. There would be reason for things to be "easily misconstrued"
Crazy psycho cult babble, can be totally misconstrued however. haha
: "Because talks are often delivered with local needs in mind, we could easily misconstrue points from a circulated recording, since we would not be aware of the setting in which the talk was given. In addition, it would be difficult for us to verify who gave the talk and when , so that we can have confidence that the information presented is up to date and accurate. (Luke 1:1-4)"
hah hah hah what a load of cult crap
Even if the talk is for a local needs part, wouldn't the counsel still apply to the worldwide brotherhood who are in unison in beliefs and faith? How can one misconstrue, 'thou shalt not fornicate with thy brother's wife'? If it's good enough advice/counsel/admonition for one believer then it should be fitting for all.
The last sentance is even funnier. In other words, "you can't tell when this talk was given. We may have had to abandon that crazy notion for a newer, improved, even crazier version" for example: generation to overlapping generation
How do we know that the scripture in Luke is current? I mean it's even older than any talk you might have recorded.... using WT logic that is...
It's an occupational hazard when you're a major player in the bullshit industry.
The WT$ would probably love to sweep up everything printed before 1980 (and some since) and burn it. It's what they want to say at the next meeting that's important . . . as long as you're currently guily/feared into attending.
They don't want space in your bookcase or CD rack . . . that's a liability. They just want your mind and your money.
Old info . . . in print or audio . . . is a liar-bility.
Damn . . . can't edit post.
Nice work blondie (as usual)
...can't edit post.
For some reason I couldn't edit my post either. Does anyone know why it isn't working on this thread? No problem on other posts.