Can someone tell me that I wasnt the only one who was told the story of this Avon lady who died because she wasnt protected by angels???
Weird Avon Lady story?
by Joliette 8 Replies latest jw friends
Probably not. I remember stories of JWs being protected by invisible angels while working creepy homes, the angels were only visible to the dastardly householder who wanted to do in the good publisher(s). How the publisher(s) ever found out they had invisible angels by my side is never clear.
Just weird. LOL.
I remember thinking. Why would the angels protect the witness but forget about the wordly person?
How wonderful Jehovah is!
The angels are watching us, the demons are too.
G'night, sleep tight!
I heard it as a small child and I didn't believe. More JW propaganda. Don't believe the Jeopardy! question about the NWT, either. It's demonstrably false.
Big guy angel story:
This story is so popular amongst JW land ! The story goes that two sisters were out witnessing , knocked on some guy's door that had just killed his wife. Later on when the police finally got the dude, he was asked why he didn't kill the two sisters, to which he replied, " Because they had two big blokes standing behind them'. OOhh freaky! We live in Australia, it was funny for me to read a similiar story on the net about the guy who had just killed the Avon lady, but left the lone sister alone for basically the same reason !
I heard that story in Western Canada growing up. It made me feel safe on service...
wha happened?
thats an oldie but goodie lol
Oh, Joliette...
I heard the "Avon lady" story waaaaaaaaay back in the late 1960's....
"A Jehovah's Witness was working a rough neighborhood. She called at one door and a very large man answered. He seemed kinda weird, but she witnessed to him and he [either took a mag or didn't] and then she left. Later on an Avon lady called at this man's door, he invited her in and then killed her...
When the cops asked him why he killed the Avon lady but not the Jehovah's Witness, the man answered, 'Because the Jehovah's Witness had two big guys with her.' ...."
At the time, I was a teenager and had heard ALL about the 'demunzzzz', 'great tribulation', and the other scare tactics - ad nauseum - until I was so desensitized that I just looked at the person relating the tale and asked, "So, how do you know it wasn't just two guys walking by, and the guy mistook them as being with the Jehovah's Witness??"
I'd already been in scarier situations - not even counting what I had to deal with, from my two Jehovah's Witness parents - so I wasn't impressed.
And, as others have also pointed out, that is an OLD story - and JUST a story...
After all, there are a NUMBER of gaps in the 'logic', in that story... What was the JW doing, working alone? Especially in a 'scary' neighborhood? Why did an Avon lady call when there was apparently ONLY a man living there? Why on EARTH would an Avon lady go into a house when invited in by a MAN?? Was he going to buy some perfume?? Was she following the JW and working the same streets - in an avowed "tough" neighborhood - where a JW was calling door-to-door? Wouldn't she be more likely to run into people upset by the JW's calls - and therefore make FEWER sales???