What a week!

by TheClarinetist 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheClarinetist

    Wow... when it rains it pours. I feel like ranting a little bit (I seem to do that a lot on here...), so here's a recap of everything that happened this week.

    My roommate (we'll call her Roommmate F) who used to be "friends" with my other roommate (we'll call him Roommate M) moved out on Saturday notice because Roommate M punched her last Thursday. Roommate F agreed to keep paying rent until we could find someone to replace her because of the short notice.

    So the utilities were in Roommate F's name, so we had to change names over. The utility company did a credit check on us and required a $700 deposit. We had to pay it or get utilities shut off (all of them... electric, water, and even trash) , and I was the only one with the cash (which also happened to be my next 2 months rent that I had left over from my Financial Aid), so I got to fork over $300 with another $100 to be added on to each utility bill for 3 months. So that was that... Anyway, tonight I got a message from Roommate F that her Financial Aid she had applied for fell through when her Father's credit was denied, so she won't be able to help us with rent. If you remember what I said about being the only one with any money extra to spare, that means that my rent, which I was frantically trying to figure how I would pay for more than a month, just doubled... or at the very least had a third added on to it.

    TL;DR: Yay! I'm about to be bankrupt again. Also, found out a couple days ago my dog may be dying.

  • EmptyInside

    I never heard of the utility companies charging you for just changing names. It wasn't right for them to do. Sorry,about everything. I'm broke too,and will probably be disinherited. But,I was only to inherit an old,run down house anyway,lol.

  • TheClarinetist

    Apparently it's pretty common... Though nonetheless unwelcome.

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