by NCO 8 Replies latest jw friends
Mickey mouse
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Hi all. I joined JWN back when it was JWD a long time ago. Been gone a long time since then and my old account is probably still active but I can't for the life of me remember the password. And I just don't care to use that account any more, time for a fresh start. (Simon and mods, go ahead and deactivate the legendary you-know-who account, erect a memorial, burn it in effigy, bury it with honors, hold a kegger at the gravesite, whatever.)
Ok here goes.
Born a JW, raised a JW, got fired at age 20 and put it in my rearview mirror literally because I was kicked out of my parents home. I got into the "ex-JW" world maybe 10 or 11 years ago and hung around here and other boards. Made some very dear friends who I stay in touch with today. Made a few enemies along the way as well. We all eventually grew past that, and I thank a member here for helping me patch things up with some folks.
I tried to believe all the doctrines of the JW's while growing up no matter how wacky because I had to explain them and defend them when I went knocking on doors. As I got into my teens, less of it made sense. By the time I was 18-19, I was a JW in name only and when I was finally df'd, it wasn't a surprise to me. Might have been one to everyone else because I still tried to act the part, but my heart just wasn't in it.
I was a Witness during the 70's and 80's in a small town in Georgia. Made a lot of dear friends who to this day I miss because JW or not, they were good people. I also got to see the worst of people, the monsters that some are capable of turning into when given power. It hurts to know that I am sworn to defend with my life their ability to hide behind the freedom of religion clause of the First Amendment.
Even though I haven't posted much at all in the last several years, I've still read here regularly to keep up to date on JW news. I have family who is still in the JW's.
As my username is NCO probably tells you, I'm a non-commissioned officer. I'm a Sergeant in my state guard. Currently serving as Platoon Sergeant, which is 2 grades higher than a humble E-5 but I do my best. My JW family isn't crazy about me serving but I give 'em credit, they try to cope with it. Mom's not exactly thrilled when she sees a picture of me with a machine gun at Fort Stewart but I usually can talk her through it.
So if Simon and the crew will have me back with this new account, I'd love to rejoin the community and hang out with everyone in the barracks and drink beer and make some new friends.
Hi great to meet you.
Broken Promises
You sound like the kind of person I'd share a beer with.
Welcome back!
Hey and thanks for the welcomes. I'll try to behave.
Interesting story about what a small world it is. Last month I was TDY at Fort Stewart, training some new recruits. I was in the barracks talking with the Command Sergeant Major who is Commandant of 5th BDE Schools. We were talking about the dress uniform neckties and I mentioned how I hadn't worn a tie since I was a JW knocking on doors 20 years ago. He said "you were a Witness?! I was a Witness!"
We got to talking about who we both knew and in all probablility, the two of us probably met at a meeting or assembly back in the day.
Well,welcome back.
Welcome back! What is TDY?