I am seriously thinking about joining the peace corps...i am out of debt and all i have to do is save some money (is going to take a couple of years to get out of my contract) but after that... i can go ahead and go... is such a beautiful work and I dont mind not having all the extra stuff... does anyone have any experiences to share??
Thinking about joining the PeaceCorps... experience anyone?
by Free!! 9 Replies latest social current
If you live in a medium to large city, ex-Peace Corps members usually have regular meetings.
I have worked with many former Peace Corps volunteers. All of them say that the living amenities can be very different from what you are used to in the US and homesickness is a real issue.
I would suggest also trying to find a group in your area.
Thx Blondie!! Ima check it out!! :-)
If I was younger I would do it in a heartbeat. I've met them overseas and they seemed to like it.
True, you will get homesick but actually helping people is a gift you will remember your whole life.
Do it!
I love the idea of the PeaceCorps. I would join, if I could. If I ever can, then I think I will. Make sure you do your research so you know what you're getting into, but I wish you all the very best!
Band on the Run
I knew Peace Corps volunteers in the sixties. They loved the experience but spoke of travelling many hours just to be around people. It seemed to pass for them as they developed friendships in the country. Some said they lived well b/c the cost of living was so low.
It seemed common among my group to volunteer until the Viet Nam War tarnished the reputation of the Peace Corps. My biggest fear would be antiAmerican fervor overseas. I know nothing about the current program. Another I noticed is that people love regaling people with their Peace Corps experiences. Their faces light up. Heck, you can always leave.
To play the devil's advocate, so to speak....research the criticisms of the Peace Corps too. For example, they are not as welcome/appreciated in some other countries as you might think. They hated & seen as arrogant meddlers. They are victims violence (sexual and non-sexual). There is also disease since safe water, food, medical care, etc. is scant. I know someone who works with Peace Corps--has for years--these are not anecdotes from years ago, but today.
Not discouraging you...just go into it with eyes open.
Thanks everyone, I really dont mind not having the things I have at home, and I dont have family living anywhere close to me so I dont think I care about the home sickness..
Rebel... thanks for the information I will be researching about it, I did not hear anything like that before... I want to make sure I know what i am commiting myself to this time around...
I really think you should do it for a few years. I've seen them helping very desperate people and I wish that I was younger and could join. :)
You will never forget it.
Band on the Run
I imagine it will good on a future resume. You are willing to take prudent risks, have a sense of adventure and evidently dedicated to work. Are you allowed to choose a specific country before enlisting? I'd spend months researching that country. The Peace Corps became a symbol for the U S government, not Americans. It is similar to the UN. When the UN was formed, America was the grand hero. Now it is the grand enemy.