Does anyone else get the sneaking idea that perhaps the Borg is worth a lot more $ than even we suspect? Do you think it is possible that over the past 100 + years they have managed to hord tens upon tens upon tens of billions of dollars? I wonder that because.....they aren't completely retarded. They know that the internet/education is killing their growth in industrialized nations. The only places that are seeing real growth are in 3rd world countries where people still sleep on dirt floors and wonder where the sun goes at night. Growth in those places won't help them bring in $. Is it possible that they already know this.....but aren't afraid because they've done such a good job of using technology/automation/cost trimming? Is it possible that they have so much $ that even if they experience negative growth (which I doubt they would ever really admit), it won't matter because they can get everything they need accomplished just by using the interest generated by their hord of cash?
Watchtower $
by outsmartthesystem 8 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I trusted them when I was in, but since I have left, and I have analysed the lack of transparency, sorry, that is far too polite, the deliberate obfuscation of income and expenditure, and simply thinking, if every member only gives a $ a day, they have 7 MILLION BLOODY DOLLARS A DAY coming in I asked the question :
Where the f**k do they salt it all away ?
They sure as fate have a lot of Dollars or Yen or Swiss francs tucked away somewhere !
Do all money trails lead to Isreal? Christians are little more than defacto Jews anyway.
if you look through the annual reports published in the 1978,1979 and 1980 YBs you will find that most of the countries did report decreases those years and that information was not hidden.
could you please explain your post? It sounds anti-semitic to me.
We have all been conditioned to classify just about any statement with the word Jew in it as anti-semitic. They've played the victim card for so long that we're all too afraid of looking at the man with the funny little hat behind the curtain. Follow the money trail and look at the names that come up... the game has not changed in thousands of years and neither have the players. But it's OK because they are afterall Jewhovah's chosen ones.
I am not anti-semitic because that would not be Kosher!
I just hate Evil and will call it out everytime regardless of who it offends.
I have played the victim card? I am evil?
According to what you stated in your post you believe I am. You believe ALL of my relatives are evil.
If you truly believe that is what I said then YES you are playing the victim card. Whether or not you are evil I don't know.
My girlfriend is Jewish and nothing I said applies to common Jewish people because you are just as dumbed-down and brainwashed as the rest of us. To the elite class of Jews that occupy key positions of power in the world (and run the show over at WT), you are no better than a Gentile.
Why ask me? The information is out there for anyone to research, and I have nothing more to say about it.
10 years ago, a news site said : watchtower Revenue: $951 million U.S. dollars : The watchtower owns billions in real estate too.
It is frustrating that the society does not provide financial information upon request as other non-profit/charity organizations do.
Various organizations make available or send you a report showing in a graph how the monies recieved are used. I requested such information some years ago from the society and recieved no reply. I decided then that I would no longer donate any more money to them.
I think donations are much lower now than they were back in 2001 when the $951 million figure was reported.