This link: contains a huge array of online sermons from respected Christian speakers which may beof encouragement to many. I particularly enjoy the program "Insight for Living" (see alphabetical list from above link) by Chuck Swindoll (Dallas Theological Seminary. Every one of his talks (they last 30mins approx Mon-Fri) has been an eye-opener for me. His exegesis of Scripture is sound and his application of Scripture to modern-day living is spot on. I must say it is far better than the spiritual browbeating one receives from the Watchtower. I've just attended a Circuit Assembly and all I heard was the same old organization nonsense with only the odd bit of good Scripture exposition. Anyway check out the above link, or if anyone already has please tell me which sermons/speakers you've enjoyed.
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by stevieb1 2 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Stwvieb1,
I enjoy Chuck Swindoll too. I also like John McArthur.
"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents, but rather because its opponents die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it." Max Planck
Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.