Hi Snare:
Hope you enjoy the "Rabbit and Sanke" video in the link posted below!
Dear Brothers:
While not receiving endorsement from the "Faithful and Dis-
creet Slave," I proceeded to do research outside the Society's
publications on the strangely carnivorous habits of wild-
life in my region of California. Though I did research back
to the time of Pastor Russell, I could find nothing on
how their belligerent behavior might be reversed in the New
Can you refer me to ANY publications that might
answer this question?
Brother Etude
Dear former Brother Etude:
Thank you for your question. While it is commendable that
you are a thinking person, and a studious one at that, the
true question at issue is, "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?"
Going beyond the admonition of THE CHRIST, however in-
nocent your query may appear, jeopardizes your entry into
that blessed Theocracy, The New World, whose keys the
Governing Body holds.
The only wildlife with which you should be concerned is that
which will surely pick the flesh off your rebellious, dead bones.
In the meantime, you must be dealt with regarding your rap-
idly declining status in your local, now-compromised congre-
We have your "number," as well as your number. Please expect
a visit from your loving elders within the next 24-hours. We have
made them aware of this dialogue and have entrusted them with
full powers of execution.
Your Loving Brothers (THE CHRIST),
The Governing Body (of your every move)