WTS meet Penn State, Penn State meet WTS

by iamwhoiam 4 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • iamwhoiam
  • jamiebowers

    I was thinking the exact same thing as the title of this thread when I read the article about Penn State this morning. What a crying shame this whole situation is!

  • wobble

    "this is about........... a culture that did nothing to stop it, or prevent it from happening to others"

    Applies to the present situation within the WT/JW Paedophile Paradise.

  • freydo

    The Brutal Truth About Penn State

    The problem can't be solved by prayer or piety — and it's far more widespread than we think
    By Charles P. Pierce POSTED NOVEMBER 14, 2011

    "But you, when you pray, go into your inner chamber and, locking the door, pray there in hiding to your Father …"

    — Matthew, Chapter 6

    "I t was midway through the pregame prayer session that the gorge hit high tide. There is always something a little nauseating in large spectacles of conspicuous public piety, but watching everyone on the field take a knee before the Penn State-Nebraska game, and listening to the commentary about how devoutly everybody was praying for the victims at Penn State, was enough to get me reaching for a bucket and a Bible all at once. It was as though the players and coaches had devised some sort of new training regimen to get past the awful reality of what had happened. Prayer as a new form of two-a-days. Jesus is my strength coach. Contrition in the context of a football game seemed almost obscene in its obvious vanity.

    So, when the feeling had subsided somewhat, I dropped by the sixth chapter of Matthew, and then I went on to the Teacher in Ecclesiastes, who warned his people:

    For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.

    And I felt better, but not much. There is solace in Scripture, but there are also too many places where the guilty and the morally obtuse can hide. It no longer matters if there continues to be a football program at Penn State. It no longer even matters if there continues to be a university there at all. All of these considerations are trivial by comparison to what went on in and around the Penn State football program.

    (Those people who will pass this off as an overreaction would do well to remember that the Roman Catholic Church is reckoned to be a far more durable institution than even Penn State University is, and the Church has spent the past decade or so selling off its various franchise properties all over the world to pay off the tsunami of civil judgments resulting from the raping of children, a cascade that shows no signs of abating anytime soon.)

    The crimes at Penn State are about the raping of children. That is all they are about. The crimes at Penn State are about the raping of children by Jerry Sandusky, and the possibility that people lied to a grand jury about the raping of children by Jerry Sandusky, and the likelihood that most of the people who had the authority at Penn State to stop the raping of children by Jerry Sandusky proved themselves to have the moral backbone of ribbon worms.

    There will now be a decade or more of criminal trials, and perhaps a quarter-century or more of civil actions, as a result of what went on at Penn State. These things cannot be prayed away........"


  • freydo

    The tragedy of Joe Paterno(and the wtbt$)

    The iconic coach's role in the Penn State scandal raises questions about who he is

    By Gene Wojciechowski

    "Twenty years ago, in a campus presentation almost comical in its modesty, the most famous and powerful man at Penn State solemnly recited a Greek oath and became an honorary member of Eta Sigma Phi, an honors society devoted to the study of the Greek and Roman classics.

    Afterward, a small platter of cookies was served.............

    In less than a week's time, the 46-year reign of Paterno as Penn State's head football coach -- and as the university's de facto leader -- collapsed under the weight of arrogance, ignorance and a sexual abuse scandal that will leave deep, unsightly scar marks on whatever is left of his legacy. (and the institution)

    His spectacular rise and equally spectacular fall prove once more that absolute power absolutely corrupts or, at the very least, blurs the vision. And make no mistake: Paterno's power and influence at Penn State was often vast and overpowering.

    Says another BCS conference administrator: "Joe's got a dark side. He's not always that witty old man. Joe can be very, very tough. He's very smart."

    The more phone calls you make to those who know Paterno, who have worked with Paterno and who have socialized with Paterno, the more you realize he isn't simply the smiling cardboard cutout figure that the riotous crowds in downtown State College used as a symbol of their unrest............"


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