I've taken a look at what the Watch Tower Society has implied regarding its building plans in upstate New York and compared that with the Governing Body's beliefs regarding when the end will be.
When Does the Governing Body Believe the End Will Be - BLOG
by passwordprotected 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They know it's all a farce. 'Armageddon' for them is when the money stops rolling in.
Aussie Oz
They don't.
The Old Farts Club that is the GB probably feel like I did when I was in, well the Big A may come in my lifetime, but so what, it won't affect me that much.
That is if they believe in it at all.
I think to a degree the GB are figure heads, behind them pulling the strings are the real holders of power in the Borg and they certainly do not believe in Armageddon at all, they just believe in keeping the whole scam going, which means keeping 7 million people on a treadmill of activity whilst they are bled dry of their funds.
Here's the ultimate Catch-22 for the evil empire:
Unless it is in print (i.e. Watchtower magazine, letter from the Governing Body, etc.) it's not true. Witnesses are only to believe what is in print from the WTB&TS and then only if it's the newest version (i.e. "New Light"). We are also told that the Great Tribulation begins with the "Wild Beast" destroying "Babylon the Great".
I envisioned that governments would seize all assets/property of all religous organizations, including the WTB&TS. Yes, thousands of Bethelites world-wide would be kicked to the corner and be homeless. All printing presses seized and liquidated. All Kingdom Halls/Assembly Halls seized and liquidated. All bank accounts seized.
So, for the first time in over a century, there is no WTB&TS to tell Johovah's Witnesses what to do or believe. Would this then mean that if a JW believed it was the begining of of the Great Tribulation he would be an apostate because the GB has not told anyone this?