I've never been a JW. My spouse was raised as a JW but is now free from the "organization". I've got a ton of in-laws who are still JW's, but have noticed that a lot of the younger ones are starting to slowly realize something is not right in the so called "Truth". I've been studying off and on with one of the relatives and planting little seeds of doubt. In response to one of my recent tough questions about Watchtower doctrine I got this response,
"If you are having trouble understanding this teaching, you should pray to Jehovah about it. With help from his Holy Spirit, you might just find the answer you're looking for."
I understand that he's just trying to deflect from the issue that Watchtower doctrine doesn't hold up to analytical investigation, but in the context of Watchtower theology does him statement make any sense? According to the Watchtower does Jehovah here the prayers of non-JW's? Is Jehovah's Holy Spirit available to non-JW's? Is Holy Spirit even available to members of the "Great Crowd"?
I apologize if these are dumb questions, but I'm just wondering if I should bring up these issues to him. I do find it ironic that when I first started studying with him he made comments about pastors of Christendom telling their followers to "just have faith" when asked difficult questions. But when I start asking difficult questions about what the Watchtower really teaches he essentially commits the same actions he was condemning other religions for.