Studying with a JW, need info about Watchtower doctrine.

by Resistance is Futile 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    I've never been a JW. My spouse was raised as a JW but is now free from the "organization". I've got a ton of in-laws who are still JW's, but have noticed that a lot of the younger ones are starting to slowly realize something is not right in the so called "Truth". I've been studying off and on with one of the relatives and planting little seeds of doubt. In response to one of my recent tough questions about Watchtower doctrine I got this response,

    "If you are having trouble understanding this teaching, you should pray to Jehovah about it. With help from his Holy Spirit, you might just find the answer you're looking for."

    I understand that he's just trying to deflect from the issue that Watchtower doctrine doesn't hold up to analytical investigation, but in the context of Watchtower theology does him statement make any sense? According to the Watchtower does Jehovah here the prayers of non-JW's? Is Jehovah's Holy Spirit available to non-JW's? Is Holy Spirit even available to members of the "Great Crowd"?

    I apologize if these are dumb questions, but I'm just wondering if I should bring up these issues to him. I do find it ironic that when I first started studying with him he made comments about pastors of Christendom telling their followers to "just have faith" when asked difficult questions. But when I start asking difficult questions about what the Watchtower really teaches he essentially commits the same actions he was condemning other religions for.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    RIF... No it's a typical remark.....

    Blind Faith is very Powerful....

    Throw your problems to Jehovah and Leave it there...... don't take them back!

  • skeeter1

    I'd respond this way...

    Jehovah directs the Faithful and Discreet Slave. The FDS wrote (this) and (this) and believes the doctrine to be (this). We are told to follow the FDS without question, to 'avoid independent thinking.' So, wouldn't Jehovah be mad at me if I rejected or found issues or couldn't understand the FDS. Wouldn't it meant that Jehovah isn't directing the FDS correctly or the FDS isn't being clear enough?


  • outsmartthesystem

    The Jan 15 WT of 1990 (p 4-6) states, "So then, once we have learned that we should pray to God in Jesus’ name, our prayers would not be answered unless we prayed only to Jehovah through his Son……He could approach his heavenly Father through Christ Jesus with the expectation of being heard. That is what happens to all who dedicate themselves to God through Christ and get baptized. They too have the unrestricted privilege of prayer. Surely you desire to have your prayers answered. Therefore if you are not now serving Jehovah as one of his dedicated worshippers, how wise to seek him earnestly!"

    A Watchtower from May 15, 1990 (p 11-12) also says "….only baptized believers have an unrestricted privilege of approaching the King Eternal in prayer".

    I would ask......"Where in the bible does it say that? True, the account of Luke 18: 9-14 shows that the prayers of haughty ones are not desirable to Jehovah and the account of Proverbs 15:29 plainly says that prayers of wicked ones are not even heard. But these verses are regarding the haughty and wicked. Of course Jehovah doesn’t answer their prayers. But I have trouble believing that Jehovah only gives unrestricted access to Him through prayer once you get baptized. The bible does not teach this, yet it is taught by the Society as though it is actually in the bible. Why is that?"

    They will dance around the subject and more or less explain that yes God listens to the prayers of those "in the world"....but only if they are seeking to worship Him purely (through the organization). Once a person is familiar with Watchtower teachings and does NOT accept them....THEN that person's prayers are no longer heard by God

  • skeeter1

    Charlie! Since I no longer accept the WTS teachings, I guess all the good things that happen in my life that I "prayed" to happen were orchestrated by Satan! Thanks so much for your insight. I'm going to use it to my advantage.


  • sir82

    Once a person is familiar with Watchtower teachings and does NOT accept them....THEN that person's prayers are no longer heard by God

    So does Jehovah have a flowchart to help him decide whose prayers to listen to?

    JWs make their God so petty and small-minded.

  • skeeter1

    Since I was never "baptised" (i.e. did not come to know Jehovah), then Jehovah may be hearing some of my prayers. Wow! That saved the day. LOL.

    I think I'll go back and watch the movie, "Oh, God!" with George Burns and John Denver. Hey, both of them are now dead!


  • outsmartthesystem

    So does Jehovah have a flowchart to help him decide whose prayers to listen to?

    The JW response: He does not need one. He is God. He can tell by your heart whether or not you accept his wonderful organization. If you don't then praying is futile.

    "Since I was never "baptised" (i.e. did not come to know Jehovah), then Jehovah may be hearing some of my prayers. Wow! That saved the day. LOL."

    Not may not be written anywhere...but I had a CO tell me once that just because a person may have escaped disfellowshipping doesn't mean that he is a lock to get into the new system. If he has a bad heart Jehovah will know. Likewise....If you knew enough about the "truth" to get baptized but chose not to.....then God won't let that simple little technicality stop him from dismissing your disgusting and vile prayers.

    Isn't this a lovely organization?

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    "JWs make their God so petty and small-minded."

    I just got a mental picture of God sticking his fingers in his ears like a child and shouting "can't hear you, can't hear you" over and over again. Haha.

  • poppers

    Tell him you prayed to Jehovah and he told you the JWs have got wrong whatever the issue is.

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