When the Great Tribulation strikes will the Governments do away with laws?

by booker-t 3 Replies latest jw experiences

  • booker-t

    I have also wondered what will happen when the Great Tribulation strikes will the Government do away with laws and create a dictatorship style government? Maybe I am still thinking like a JW but I was taught that during the Great Tribulation the Government will serverly persercute the JW's trying to get them to renounce their faith. Killing anybody that refuses and that is when Jehovah and Jesus will step in with Armaggeddon. Some Born Again Christians believe that during the Great Trib if anyone wants to be saved he will have to be maryted or beheaded because grace will be done away with. I have heard so many interpretations on this subject.

  • sir82
    Maybe I am still thinking like a JW

    Well there's yer problem right there.

    There will be no "great tribulation" as the JWs (or anyone else) predict.

  • bohm

    I wonder, when Ragnerok happends, will the fendrikswolf be released before the great midgaardsworm? Will the Aser fight alongside the great warriors in Vallhallah, or will they fight on seperate battlegrounds? Will the fighting mainly happend in Uttgaard, Midgaard or Asgaard?

    What about those of Jetterne which are as great as mountains, will it mostly be thor who will fight them with his magic hammer? they seem to big for ordinary warriors.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I discussed something similar in law school and at the National Constn Center. Our constitution is only possible under certain given circumstances. Abraham Lincoln abolished many protections during the Civil War. Widespread lawslessness, a military coup d'etat -- a whole range of possible events could destroy our present system of laws. Courts can only enforce laws if the police/military are willing to back up court orders. President Andrew Jackson hated Native Americans. His claim to fame was fighting and destroying tribes. The Supreme Court held that he violated US treaties and ordered him to comply with the treaties. He rejected the court order, stating let them enforce it. He went on to destroy the Cherokee.

    There also was a plotted coup d'etat among Revolutionary War officers. I believe they met in Newburgh, NY and plotted to invade Philadelphia and hold Congress hostage. Congress promised them a certain pay and did not pay. Washington found out about the plot and confronted the plotters. Were it not for Washington's personal integrity and the officers faith in him, there never would have been a USA>

    Another example is more recent 9/11. I expect it was the same in DC but many things happened in NY. Normal laws and rules were not followed. We were extremely deferential to the police. When the police are protecting you from mayhem or worse, you don't argue about technicalities.

    They talk of doomsday scenarios frequently. The harm from lawlessness is considered worse than the actual harm.

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