I know a brother and his wife, she was a pioneer for many years, and he rather than returning home stayed because "we need you J..." Well the congregation may have needed him, another zombie is always useful. But when I think about how they have to live thier life now, The Watchtower Retirement for loyal dubs, is Welfare, and Social Security. It makes me sick they have no children and no means to really get along they are dependent of the government they hope to see exterminated at Armageddon. The Congregation and Watchtower society that needed them so badly could really care less how they get along and if they have nothing. But miss a couple of meetings and boy they care then don't they. What a bunch of bastards. All these people have is a bunch of unfulfilled dreams and empty promises. A life spent and nothing to show for it.
Watchtower retirement program!
by buffalosrfree 8 Replies latest jw friends
buffalo, thats why I call it a FOOLS PARADISE!
I for one didnt worry about pension plans or anything for many years after leaving school,I mean I like many others really trully believed that I would never retire in this system of things as we used to say,I mean if you really trully 100 per cent believe something you wouldnt,actually many in the congregation saw preparing for a long term in this world was a lack of faith,anyway,now as I approach 40 it will not be possible to completely make up for all that lost time as much as I try,I mean other decisions like getting a mortgage and home were viwed as unwise long term goals and poinless pusuing in view of the near end,I know one guy who sold his lovely home and moved into rented accomadation so his family coud use the money to help them survive the last few years of the 1914 generation in more preaching,unfortunately it did not happen that way,they eventually spent all the money and now live in a council flat.
Its a paradox that those who condemn this system the most as evil depend on this evil system so much to bale them out with state aid. -
Have faith - Jehovah will look after them! (Will he?)
It's so sad really, poor ignorant sheep giving their all to the mighty heartless publishing company. I got out only last year and do have a retirement plan at work fortunately. However, i gave up a lot of other opportunities and advantages by being in the WT prison that i enlisted in.
The WTBS-style Race for Life -
It's sad indeed that they have to live on social security and Goverment assistance to maintatin a decent life style. I remember as an Elder that right after I find out about the WTS loopholes specially the generation fiasco, I started to open individual Retirement Account, CD, life insurance for myself and my wife. I encourage others in the congregation to the same even thu few thought it was lack of faith. But I manage to put the situation in a more spiritual atmosphere. I'm happy that it worked. I did it very discretly. Few of them did in fact had retirement savings and life insurance. I felt good that I was able to help a few of them. We personally saved money for future emergency and also bought our own apartment. The WTS did not stop us from securing our own future. Some of the loyal jdub did critized us behind our back for being to materialistic.
Obviously, this was amongs other allegations the reason why I was disfellowshiped. Promoting a sect. Give me a break!! It's sad indeed that they have to listen to a bunch of low life, charlatan with their idiotics ideas.
I'm willing to bet money (and I'm not someone who gambles ) that those same people who cited as fine examples other people who sold their homes and gave up their possessions etc. were probably the Elders who had nice, expensive homes, nice cars, and high-ranking executive job positions. At least, that was my experience at my KH. It's always the people who're well off who admonish others who are much less well off to be 'more active in the preaching work', just so that they look good at the end of the month or whatever when they have to hand the congregation's field service reports to the CO or PO.
The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age
The Watchtower retirement programme is the same as the Pioneer sustainance programme -
"Matt:6;33 "Keep on seeking first the kingdom and all these other things will be added to you"
In other words , if you are fortunate enough to live in a land where the working population contribute to a welfare scheme, you claim on that , and view it as a gift from Jehovah , rather than the horrid Government that cares for you. -
there must be a lot of folks out there doing it really tough.....!!
i bought the whole jw deal, of having as little to do with the 'old' world as possible, don't get an education, pioneer, doan buy a house and so on....
then i had a car accident and tho unharmed, realised how close i came to death and asked myself the Q -- what kind of life would my family have had, if i had been killed?
so i set out to raise the money (working harder) to get a house...to be told by my ever-so-zealous former father-in-law.. that i was on the way out of the truth!! (well! guess he was right after all)
it's strange but when i was disfellowshipped, and my wife said she wanted a divorce (I gave her everything - without a legal fight), i walked away from 30+ years of my life with nothing......!!
but, i met my present partner,who had a genius for saving money, (tho totally uneducated).... now we own our own apartment, with a second (fully owned) on the way....
once it would have be seen as the result of jehovahs' blessing, now i know the truth -- it was a fortunate coincidence that we met, and sheer hard work and good managment !!!
I expected at the time i was disfellowshipped to be an old man in a country town on social services!!! indeed, i'm told that the the disfellowshipping committee still predict that future for me!!!
but, i have better than that - and a lot more happiness!!!