Since there is compelling and overwhelming evidence that Jehovah is the true and living God, Creator and Supreme Sovereign of the universe, the plea of ignorance cannot be admitted in its full latitude except for idiots. The atheists cannot plead ignorance. The agnostics cannot plead ignorance. The evildoers cannot plead ignorance. The idolaters cannot plead ignorance. For if they are willing to exercise their faculties and employ their minds in diligent search, men have within their reach the means of coming to know Jehovah God. So God’s decree is: “They are without excuse.” –Watchtower April 15, 1956 page 229
WT: Only JWs and idiots will survive Armageddon...
by Alfred 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hey Alfred, that's sure comforting to know isn't it? That as a JW you'll be with all those other JWs ... and a bunch of idiots. Wow... makes me want to sign up right now ... NOT!
I said to my Dad not long ago, "Dad, you do realize that your beliefs mean that you will live forever without your kids, your parents, your siblings and their kids, and your grandkids?" He just shrugged his shoulders as if it didn't mean anything to him. I said to him "Forever is a very long time." I found that exchange so very sad.
In 2008, a remote tribe was discovered in the Amazon rainforest. No one knew of their existence up until 3+ years ago. They sure don't look JW nor Christian to me. They may also qualify for survival but you never know. Jehovah may classify them as evildoers or idolaters and wipe them off the face of the Earth too. He can be like that.
Who said that "idiots" will survive? I have never read that in WT lit.. After all, they say that we are "mentally diseased" but still the worst of people deserving death.
Back in the '50's they were quite blunt about such things
Question Box Wt 1950 11/15 p463
No doubt they would be a little more diplomatic these days, but the belief has not really changedWill children who have not reached the age of accountability and who die at Armageddon have a resurrection?—Ohio reader.
We cannot be dogmatic about this matter, as God is the judge. However, if Jehovah God expresses an adverse judgment against certain individuals, and does this through his King Christ Jesus at Armageddon, there must be some sort of finality to God’s decision. If so, those destroyed by the judgment of God in the battle of Armageddon are really destroyed. Ezekiel chapter 9 appears to refer to Armageddon, and verse 6 states, “Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark.” Those unmarked by a favorable reception of God’s warning receive no mercy from him. This is no injustice on God’s part. If it were a case of absolute justice he would spare no one, as everyone, young or old, is an imperfect sinner. It is only through the exercise of his love and mercy that anyone is preserved through Armageddon or is resurrected.
Children are affected by the course of their parents, and parents are warned that their iniquity is visited on their offspring unto the third and fourth generation. (Ex. 20:5, 6) Parents are commanded to instruct their children in God’s way, and if in these last days parents refuse to heed the divine instruction and warning they bring destruction upon themselves and their small children at Armageddon. (Deut. 6:6, 7; Eph. 6:4) According to justice God can leave such children dead, for, as Ezekiel showed, all die in their iniquity. (Ezek. 3:17-19; 33:1-6) Parents should remember that their wrong course unfavorably affects their children and may bring their offspring to destruction at Armageddon, just as a right course on the part of parents may put their small children in the way of preservation during Armageddon and opportunity for eternal life in the new world to follow."
So JWs, while not actually idiots, are the acknowledged facsimiles thereof. Good to know.
Maybe they are using idiots in the old psychiatric definition not in the speeding driver sense.
So what about cretins, ninnies and retards ??
The GB like to make JW feel real special with all the sugar they put in their magazines stating that only JW will survive armageddon, its another false teaching along with one has to be part of the organization to survive.
One way to keep the flock in fear and looking to the them instead of Jesus.
off - topic ,,, but I have wondered ... were you a person who was stalked by the org?
I had a childhood friend with your name (alfred) who was stalked by the elders, and went thru a very hard time ...
don't bother replying if it's not you,,, or if it *is* you and you are not comfortable with talking, but I have often wondered ...
if you're not from Canada,, then it's not you.
Only one little logical and simple word can alter the meaning of that silly claim to make it absolutely true based upon the evidence at hand. That word is "NO" and that word conveys the truth about that silly Watchtower comment made by Freddie Franz:
: Since there is NO compelling and overwhelming evidence that Jehovah is the true and living God, Creator and Supreme Sovereign of the universe, the plea of ignorance cannot be admitted in its full latitude except for idiots .
Yep. That's better now!
I also had a problem with "Who will survive Armageddon?" Here's how I see it. All religious organizations, including the Witnesses, are going to be destroyed before Armageddon breaks. The anointed is going to be killed, or die of natural causes, so they won't be around. Then the parable of the sheep and goats goes into effect. Jesus is appointed as judge, so he will decide who qualifies as sheep or goat. Who will he choose? Those with the right heart condition who will be an asset to the newly established kingdom, those whose names have been written in the Book of Life.
And this is the beauty of the theory: You cannot claim to be a Jehovah's Witness (or of any other religion for that matter) and expect to be saved. Jehovah's Witnesses (or church) organizations won't exist. All persons alive at that point will be on an equal footing before God. That will make it more fair, won't it?
Certain indicators point me in this direction. First and foremost, God is fair to a perfect degree. Secondly, JW, as an organization, is going to be destroyed (Rev. 11:7, 8). Babylon the Great is also going to be destroyed (Rev. 17:16). The fact that the "great crowd" of Rev. 7 consists of different nations and tribes and tongues, and cannot be counted. Why uncountable? Because it's number will only be decided at the end. Thirdly, God is going to make all things new (Rev. 21:3, 4). That means that he cannot use existing structures or organizations because they are imperfect and in any case are going to be destroyed.
The conclusion: Those you expect to be there, won't be there. Those that you won't expect, will be there. Comments, please.