I found this blog by happenstance, and I was wondering if some of you could answer these questions as a JW to help me anticipate future arguments. I have some answers already, but would like some additional input. Thanks in advance.
- Why did Jehovah’s Witnesses properly worshiped Christ Jesus until 1954?
- If all that was made was made through him(John 1:3) and for him( Colossians 1:16, Romans 11:36), why add word “other-allos” in Col 1:15-17?
- Was Jehovah God without wisdom before creating him(Proverbs 8:22-31) ?
- If firstborn means first created, then what does firstborn of the dead mean?( or what does Israel(Exo. 4:22) and Ephraim(Jer. 31:9) been firstborn mean?)
- Why is Christ Jesus calling himself the first and the last?(Revelation 1:17-18)
- Were the first Christians from A. D. 30-250 understanding of Jesus as God wrong?
- If Jesus is a lesser god because he is only Might God(Isaiah 9:6), would that not make Jehovah God also lesser god since his called Might God(Isaiah 10:20-21)?
- If Only-begotten(John 3:16) means Jesus was Jehovah’s first creation, how then do we explain Isaac(Hebrews 11:17) being the only-begotten of Abraham and not Ishmael?
- Why did God, in Genesis 1:26, said let us make man in our image(God’s image, not angel + God)?
- Could you explain how “Jehovah made it rain sulphur from Jehovah” Genesis 19:24 NWT?
- Why did Thomas say to Christ Jesus “the Lord of me, and the God of me”(John 20:28 cf. Psalm 34:23)?
- Why does historical documents show that the first Christians and Apostolic Fathers prayed and worshiped Christ Jesus as God?