Bill Maher On Islam
by Bangalore 5 Replies latest jw friends
Islam is and always been a religion of hatred and intolerence. It contains such gems as kill the unbeliever wherever you may find them." Calls christians and jews apes and pigs, says to fight the unbeliever until all religion is for Allah. And many other hate filled verses are in the Quran. To call Islam a religion of peace is delusion on a monumental scale. Islam never has been peaceful. Muhammad wasn't peaceful, his successors weren't peaceful, it has never spread through peaceful means. it has always spread through war and conquest. It is all about violent subjugation of non believers.
Mohammed and Jesus had the same goals.
I don't believe in religion that requires initiating force or fraud to spread. Christianity wasn't so peaceful or tolerant, either--the early Catholic church used the power of Christianity to start as many wars and crusades as Islam is today. The First Dark Ages came about because of Christian intolerance of anything that went against their doctrines. They are known for their slaughter of people that were not Christians--crusades and witch hunts are quite famous Christian examples of mayhem.
Not that Judaism is totally innocent, either. I feel that the difference between Osama Bin Laden and Tyrant David is that Tyrant David didn't have access to a few airplanes or bombs to blow up crowded night clubs. Tyrant David murdered more than his share of non-believers simply because they were not believers in Jehovah's so-called kindness. If Tyrant David were around today, I believe cancer scanners and gropers at airports would not be enough to be safe from that mass-murderer of everyone that disagrees with his religion.
While Islam is not peaceful or tolerant, neither is Christianity. Both can put on the same veneer. But, force, threats of force, and fraud are needed to spread and retain Christianity as much as Islam. And the fundamentalist Christians are just as capable of murdering, or ruining lives of, people as the most militant Muslim is.
Bill Maher hates all religions. It's just that Islam is the 'primary' violator of the rules of the west right now.
Yes, and if you're an abortion doctor, Christian fundys may kill you.
Most Canadians want our forces OUT of Afghanistan. This whole war is a travesty.
Fundamentalism has gained much strength since the invasion of Afghanistan. You can't democratize tribal cultures. When are we the people going to understand that, and stop swallowing the fairy tale of a capitalistic democracy that is being rammed down our throats.
Yah, democracy works great, she says, as OUR society slowly crumbles into ruin.
Actually the Crusades were a defensive response to muslim aggression. Islam wasn't even around until the 7th century. Most people don't know that many middle eastern countries and north african countries before Muhammad was born in the late 6th century were a mixture of christian, jewish, pagan, and zorastrian. Muhammad conquered Mecca and all of Arabia, his successors conquered Palestine, Egypt and the rest of North Africa, Syria, Spain. There were no Pauls of Islam, Islam spread overwhemingly by the sword. The first crusade in 1095 happened because the Byzantine empire was under attack from muslim armies, Constantinople was conquered and renamed Istanbul which is to this day the capital of Turkey. Christians at that time were being killed for trying to make the pilgramige to the holy land under Islamic control. The emporor of the byzantine empire went to pope Urban II for help from the western europeans. The main reason for the crusades was to 1. Make it safe and possible for christians to pilgramage the the holy land, and 2. Recapture conquered lands that were once christian lands. This is why Spain is not an Islamic country today. Atrocities committed by So called Christians has always been despite the teachings of Jesus, Atrocites by Muslims were because of the teacings of Muhammad.