Why do Elders are dead broke, move to the highest priced areas in the USA. In California, we welcome many broken families who are not afraid to work or find a way to live without telling the Flock, "We are broke, we might file BK, can you please help us find a home, I am a fulltime servant of God, so can you?" They complain how they are so broke, "can't make the rent or make if off the food stanmps they get" yet they move to an area where the average home is $900k after the great real estate meltdown. Why do they expect us to find work, pay for their overpriced services (Brother D charges $150 an hour to do whatever the heck he does.) and the World charges $80 an hour. Why do they want us to help them find cheap housing (like it's our job?) , (Low rent near Orprah's house, hint hint, can i move in with you? ) Please help me understand why friends from Arkansas or Ala, Kent, Georgia (Not complaining about those wonderful states.. with no money should merit our help? The Apostle Paul did not expect this, how can they? This applies to anyone who shows up, looking for a free hand out. I have overpaid for some of the worst service throughout the years, I am a sucker! San Diego, Pacific Pal, Santa Barbara have this odd problem, can you advise us on this matter?
Why do Elders move to the most expensive area to live, WHO CAN'T AFFORD IT?
by AvocadoJake 8 Replies latest jw experiences
Aussie Oz
No doubt they have moved to serve where the need is greater...
the need to be supported...
I wrote this post really fast, sorry about the typos and other issues I blew it on. Best to disregard this post, I found it funny, I was talking to someone today who was complaining about not having work. When they moved here, there was no work, and rents were high but they figured Jehovah-Jirah, since Jehovah want's all his servants near the nice sunny beaches in southern california. Why live anywhere else, when you can guilt the rich brothers to put you to work, while bragging about your field circus adventures at starbucks. Thanks Oz for reading this blunder of a post :)
They ought to all move to Nigeria. That's where the "need" is greater, and cost of living is lower. It also seems to be the scam capital of the world, where people seem to be pulling all these "I need to move money out of the country" scams to other countries in the world.
It also is a third world country, where the witlesses can all live without such "satanic" innovations as computers, Internet, glitzy Christmas displays, and so on.
AJ, California had great Social Services. Aid, and high hourly under the table jobs!
the best part about this is, these are the same people telling everyone to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. they rely on handouts, handout everything, handout jobs...it's disgusting. they disgust me. I managed to get rid of some of them before i adios'ed, through legal means within the borg. if those poor bastards were smart enough to realize people like me would help them stay afloat, they might have a shot. i honestly believe over 50% of elders are seriously mentally ill. they would be better served in mental hospitals, it's more like the flock is their shepherd, and that is true. being an elder is more like therapy for the mental patients. the flock serves as their benefactor.
Hi Balaam, you too have come across brothers who want to work "under the table" too? They want to be paid for the whole weak, after working two days, promising to finish up the three days labor they owe you. You find out they took off, to the next Kingdom Hall, twenty miles away to start working the crowd all over again. So many Kingdom Halls filled with good hearted 'Marks'. waiting to have their wallets emptied by fake pioneers, or fake brothers. You have to remember, everyone is rich in Californication, according to these Out of State friends, as well as the illegals from Mexico and Central America.
I've posted before about a sister in a congregation I attended growing up. She was a total nomad. She'd move somewhere with her kids in tow, mooch off the congregation, and then move on...only to move back years later and do the same thing all over again. And she wasn't moving to places that were cheaper to live, either. She'd move, the congregation wherever she was would take her in and give her things, repair her car for free, etc. She was a single mother, after all. She seemed to always find the soft-hearted sisters to leech off of. She didn't want to work, so she was always on state assistance wherever she went. She got child support as well. She would take junk from the side of the road (like wicker furniture), spray paint it, and then try to sell it to the friends for 4 times what it was worth in the first place when it was new. And these were the people who were helping her to move, to take care of her kids, to fix her car, etc. Every time she moved, the congregation would throw her a going away party, complete with lots of cash to help her wherever she was going. This was in EVERY congregation!
When she came back to our area about 15 years ago, the friends were wise to her. They didn't really help her a lot, my own parents got sick of her using them, so about 5 years later, she announced she was moving out of state again. She gave a date for the move, and once again, she got a going away party. Only this time, she didn't go. She kept the money she was given and just stuck around. A while later, she announces again that she's "moving to _____". Said she met a brother and was totally in love with him and that's where he lived and they were going to get married. Another going away party commenced. She didn't go away. Turns out this brother didn't like her at all and she was mistaking his friendship for something more. This happened ONE MORE TIME before the friends finally said enough. When she announced for the fifth time that she was moving, nobody batted an eyelash and nobody gave her a thing. That was about 7 years ago. She finally went away and she hasn't been heard from since.
Seems to me that the nature of the JW's wanting to only help their own kind works against them greatly when it comes to being taken in by users. "We have to help our brothers and sisters", "We have to look after widows and orphans", etc. What if the widows are clearly using you? What if your "brothers and sisters" are just suckling at the congregation teat because they CAN?
On the other hand, we were always admonished to keep our eye simple...but yet there were these supposed "examples" to the congregation, the elders, who would have these huge expensive houses, work all kinds of hours at their secular job, drive expensive cars, have the latest gadgets and electronics, etc. And then when they lost their jobs and had all these bills to pay, their pioneer wives had to *GASP!* get a JOB!!! Or they'd mooch off of their working children. If they would have just followed the same admonition that we were ALL given and they drove into our heads, this wouldn't happen.
When I was a teenager I got pumped hard by some users who did not want to work. One of my mentors was a kind and generous, eighty year old elder, was still working, still putting in 40 hours a week at a wharehouse, a former accountant. These flakes (Poor JWs with mental illness or con-men and women, job flippers, lazy suckers.) would come and go, we (Mom, Elder 80yearold, some friends in the Hall.) would provide them with enough funds, even if we were not in a position to do it. I blame this on my mother, who was one of the most beautiful humans, that walked this planet. She was giving out food and clothing to the poor, cooked for homeless in the 1960s-1980s, her RVs were to clean eldery people's homes, homes that were filth. Mom had a unique view of Field Circus, she did not like to report time for taking care of the elderly and poor and mentally ill. My mother was not rich and we lived tough but good, yet her hand was never closed fisted.