I got to thinking this yesterday.
In the past I have done a fair bit of window cleaning like many a JW. One motto that we (fellow JW window cleaners) used to say was ''time is money''.
Occasionally, to help with pricing and efficiency we used to count and record how long each house would take. As each house was completed we used to think we have just earned x amount an hour. But at the end of the day we would total up and then work out our hourly rate and it was always less than we thought the hourly rate was working out at. Of course this was because on average about 10 per cent of the day was spent travelling between houses rather than actually cleaning them. This was dead time.
Then I got to thinking that in the case of door to door preaching as enjoyed by JW's it is the other way around. At least 90 per cent of the time that is counted on their time reports is spent travelling between houses rather than actually talking to the householder.
What if they only counted time spent actually 'witnessing' rather than dawdling from door to door.