John Cedars and I have put up a new survey to find out what current and former JWs think about celebrating "worldly holidays." This survey does not include the Memorial - only traditional and secular types of holidays. Please check it out and vote.
If you haven't voted on the other two mini-surveys, please take an extra couple of minutes and give us your opinions on those as well. Likewise with the Global Survey 2011. We've had great participation and are hoping that everyone will visit the site and share their own opinions. Your identity is protected.
We'll be making improvements and adding new surveys every few weeks, so please visit and check the current results and comment even if you've already voted.
Feel free to make your own suggestions for future surveys. Remember that our voters are from all over the globe and represent all cultures. So try to make your suggestions for subjects that are not restricted to certain countries or cultures.
You can visit the new survey at or