scanned very quickly,, don't think I noticed anything about "apostates," there. I am thinking, was there anything in the Jan 15 WT about apostates either?? What a disappointment! (could have missed it)
February 15 2012 WT on
by Gayle 8 Replies latest jw experiences
Not apostates this time, but a couple of points that got to me :
"Preserve The Positive Spirit of The Congregation"
"We are wise to limit our association
with people who are negative or who
are promoting an independent attitude.
—Prov. 13:20.
13 The corruptive influence of murmuring
can lead to other spiritually
damaging developments. For example,
murmuring can disrupt a congregation’s
peace and unity. Moreover, voicing
complaints against fellow believers
may not only cause them pain but may
also deteriorate into the sins of slander
and reviling. (Lev. 19:16; 1 Cor. 5:11)
Some murmurers in the first-century
congregation were “disregarding lordship
and speaking abusively of glorious
ones.” (Jude 8, 16) Such murmuring
against responsible men in the congregation
certainly did not have God’s approval."
So keep on a happy face , never tell anyone that an elder is not doing his job well, even if he is not......
Happiness is Possible in a Divided Household
"The apostle Peter provided inspired
counsel for Christian wives living in religiously
divided households. “Be insubjection to your own husbands,” he
wrote, “in order that, if any are not obedient
to the word, they may be won
without a word through the conduct of
their wives, because of having been eyewitnesses
of your chaste conduct together
with deep respect.” (1 Pet. 3:1, 2) A
wife may be able to win her husband
over to true worship by being in subjection
and showing deep respect for him,
even if he treats her harshly."
Could be useful to those of us whose wives are still in, and some give husbands a hard time even want to leave if we leave the Borg...
For a spiritual paradise there sure are a lot of murmorers and "wicked" people.
Hi Gayle, not sure what you're looking for concerning comments regarding "apostates"; but if you're looking for the one about being "mentally diseased" I think you should check the July 15th-- page 16-- para 6 'study' issue not available to the general public. A side note: I have been encouraging my friends to ask the Jdubs for the study issue when their home is knocked on with the comment that they want to know 'the real, cultish truth about what is taught, not the public, more acceptable, watered down, introductory version'.
wha happened?
I think it does talk about apostates but sort of a preventative measure. If someone decides to think for themselves and expresses it, people will either dog pile him to correct his thinking or just isolate him
Some murmurers in the first-century congregation were “disregarding lordship and speaking abusively of glorious ones.” (Jude 8, 16) Such murmuring
against responsible men in the congregation certainly did not have God’s approval."
That's right! If they are good enough for the Holy Spirit (to select for appointment), they should be good enough for you!
“ ‘See, now,’ ” said David, “ ‘I am
dwelling in a house of cedars while the ark of the
trueGod is dwelling in themiddle of tent cloths.’
Upon that Nathan said to the king: ‘Everything
that is in your heart—go, do, because Jehovah is
with you.’ ”—2 Sam. 7:2, 3.
As a faithful worshipper of Jehovah, Nathan
enthusiastically endorsed David’s plan to construct
the first permanent center of pure worship
on earth. On that occasion, however, Nathan apparently
expressed his own feelings instead of
speaking in Jehovah’s name. That night, God instructed
his prophet to take a different message
to the king: David would not build Jehovah’s
temple. The person to do so would be one of David’s
sons. But Nathan announced that God was
making a covenant with David to the effect that
his throne would become “firmly established to
time indefinite.”—2 Sam. 7:4-16.
It's funny because this totally contradicts how they use this same situation with Nathan to justify their own false prophecies in the Reasoning book. Because it acknowledges by extension that the 'slave class' was expressing their own personal feelings rather than speaking in God's name about future events. And why would this 'slave class' be expressing its own personal feelings in literature that is supposed to be about teaching the truth about God's Word? Since it is well-established that they have done so multiple times, how is the individual supposed to know what part of the Watchtower literature is personal opinion and what part is coming from God?
subsequent acts as a prophet show that
he did not lose God’s favor.
--There's the real point, right there. It's subtle--they're saying, without saying it, "Well, the Society's acts after our false prophecies show that we did not lose God's favor." Which is beside the point, as the whole point of the faithful slave being appointed was that it would either gain or lose God's favor in 1919, NOT based on what it did after the fact. (I know, Don Cameron said something similar in 'Captives of a Concept', right?)
Nothing on apostates but don't miss the secondary article that discussed a bible student whos husband beat her the the night before her study. Her teacher counciled HER to improve and not "feel sorry for herself"!!!!!! There is another thread about it. The attrocious remarks are causing a big stink as you could imagine!