In lostinthought's thread about their mom ( they alluded to a service meeting part last week about how you can donate to the WT. I don't really want to take that thread off topic. Does anybody have the scan of that KM?
KM about donations
by MrFreeze 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There's actually nothing about donations in the KM, the instructions for that meeting part say to deliver a talk based on an article in the 11/15/2011 version of the Watchtower.
You can download that magazine from
It's the same standard "here are all the ways you can send us your money" article that has appeared in every 11/15 Watchtower for the past 10-15 years.
It is no accident that this information shows up just at the end of the year when December 31, 2011 is the cutoff for donations to be used for deductions on their tax forms.
The Watchtower version of Christmas Giving
Why do they need donations at all ? Surely the owner of the Universe, Jehoober, is the richest of all ?
Or does he need a lesson in how to handle his current account at the Pleides Bank ?
wha happened?
No Wobble, God is testing us.
Regardless of what the Washtowel says, I will make another statement. Save your money for what you really want, or spend it on enjoying it.
Which reminds me:
During my childhood, the consistent kingdom offer during December was "gift" subscriptions to the Watchtower - this is a clever example of the organization having it 'both" ways:
Decry Christmas celebrations as pagan but exploit people's need to give gifts at Christmas by promoting buying gift subscriptions to the Watchtower. Kind of a more hypocritical version of Jews not celebrating Christmas but making gifts that Christians buy to help them celebrate Christmas. Love it or hate it, Christmas generates $$$$$$$$$$. By the way, I almost always got several householders to buy subscriptions to the Watchtower during December. I never made the link between offering (gift) subscriptions and it being the gift giving season.