Which other groups call themselves "the truth?"

by InterestedOne 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • InterestedOne

    In the following thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/218465/1/I-cant-bring-myself-to-say-the-phrase-the-Truth-anymore

    Black Sheep mentioned that he informs JW's that other groups call themselves "the truth." Which other groups do this?

  • freshstart


  • zengalileo

    I've heard / seen Christian Scientists and Moonies call their church the trruth, even using the phrase, "are you in the Truth?"

  • wobble

    Yes but the difference is, all those others are Cults, whereas Jw's........ er.....um...... oh dear !

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Plymouth Bretheren. A mate of mine was brought up one. When telling his story, he uses a lot of the same cult-speak as JWs.

    NZ has the Cooperites, who use it and I'm sure I have heard Brian Tamaki of Destiny church use it more than once.

    I often hear 'The Truth', used the same way as JW, by members of a variety of cults in TV docos, TV evangelists and news items.

    Sunday morning TV in NZ has numerous cultish gurus spouting similar cult-speak to JWs. It used to be funny hearing the same terminology and logic and even apocalyptic hoo ha, but the novelty has worn off.

  • designs

    'The one true, holy, universal church' RCC

  • garyneal

    While I have never actually heard the phrase 'The Truth' when I was an Independent Fundamental Baptist, the preachers there certainly carried on like their beliefs were the only true ones. As myself, and other former IFB's, have noted, when listening to a died in the wool IFB and a died in the wool JW speak, their tirades sound practically identical.

  • james_woods

    I thought I heard somewhere of a minor U.S. cult who actually named themselves "The Truth" (or something like that)...

  • 00DAD

    In both of his books, Combatting Cult Mind Control and Releasing the Bonds, Steven Hassan says many cult groups claim to have The Exclusive TRUTH.

    I'll look for the exact quote, but as I recall he actually says that's a pretty typical claim of religious cults.

  • mf6

    Several of my wife's family members are in a group who call themselves the "truth". They started in England in the late 1800's I think.


    They believe they are the only true church. Their ministers are called "workers" and they travel together two at a time. Google 2X2 or Cooneyites or go to the above site. They meet in members homes - and do have members worldwide. Very fundamental. Most don't attend university but higher education isn't necessarily condemned.

    They associate freely with my wife's family and are friendly. But don't get started on the subject of religion.


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